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Category: Blogging

em st0ry

okay so this is a bit embarrassing but i was walking to the store of course. And when I did (this was earlier today) I bought some stuff yk like everyone else do so no biggie BUT when I payed for everything and stuff this guy who worked there let's call him Bob. So Bob told me "have a great day hope you like the sausage. (Yes I bought a hot dog sue me) and I said "yeah you too" he looked at me weird LIKE AHHHH SORRY  and it was so awkward and later I went back to buy something else and it was a cucumber (I wanted cucumber) and I made a joke like "just don't ask where I will use that hahah" I uh didn't think before I spoke so that was awkward and embarrassing. Btw I have not taken my meds so my filter is GONE (ToT) lmao (kill me )

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