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Category: Religion and Philosophy


Hello everyone,

The Bingus bible creation shall now begin, I must create a name for my religion 

The common written language in my religion shall be Oogabooga (2020)

According to Google, I shall need 3 founding members who are neither connected through marriage nor blood to begin a religion.

According to wikiHow Part 1 (

1. Write a plan. Starting a religion will require a significant amount of planning. You can start by writing down your ideas about why you want to invent a new religion. Understanding the basic reason for your religion's existence will be critical if you want it to be successful.

2. Develop a cosmology. If your religion intends to explain broad questions about the origin of the universe, The nature of reality, and the future, you will want to develop a cosmology, That explains all of these things. Your religions cosmology might describe things like a creation story and projections about the eventual end of things. Be as creative or inspired as your religion calls for.

3. Select a name for your religion. The name of your religion should reflect its purpose and foundation, so do not choose it carelessly. Think about the central beliefs or messages of your religion, and try to reflect these in the word or phrase that will serve as its name.

4. Develop a list of your religion's core tenets. These might explain things like how it views relationships between people. These principles might also contain philisophical arguments, which can explain how your religion views the world differently than others. For instance, your religions principles might contain arguments proving the existence of its god(s), If any.

-If you want to, write a sacred text or holy book that explains all these things.

5. Talk to people about your religion. Once your religion's core ideas are worked out, you can start inviting other people to join you. Many experts suggest working slowly at first. You might talk to some of your own acquaintances, then build from there by word or mouth. When you have a trusted and fairly stable group, You can work with them to develop bylaws that explain how your religion will be organized and managed

6. Find a meeting place. Followers of your religion might start out by meeting at your home (or someone else's). As it grows, you might look for a place that is more public, Such as a cafe, a park, or somewhere else that is convenient. As your religion grows, you may look into a more permanent meeting place, such as a rented or purchased building.

7. Read about historical examples. If you are looking for inspiration while planning your religion, you can look into the histories of other religions. Studying the world's major religions can give you ideas, but you can also read about more recent examples of invented religions, such as:

-L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology

-The Church of All Worlds, inspired by Robert Heinlein's science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land

-Discordianism, and its foundational text Principia Disorda

Goodnight, Num

4 Kudos


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I'll follow your religion <3

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Thankyou poo poo

by num; ; Report