Dumb cat eating like a dumb little stupid idiot dumb cat

My cat wont eat the food on her plate if its been sitting there for longer than 20 mins so i have to sneakily pick up the 20 min food and put it on a new plate and tap something against the plate like i would if i was pouring her new food and she just eats it LOL im glad shes stupid i dont think i could financially afford it if she wasnt

-on srs note this does worry me because why is she all of a sudden doing this? We haven’t changed her food for the past 5 years, why is she getting picky???

I tried getting new (wet) food and she was NOT having it and she only eats dry food when she’s ABSOLUTELY STARVING so dry food isnt an option

For the past few months shes been vomiting almost every day and thats when this food stuff started happening i cannot afford a vet lol what now

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Marshmallow_Fluff's profile picture

Depending on the appearance of your feline's stool, it may be a bloated stomach or the cat simply wishes to change their meal times.

If their stool is extremely soft to the point of being liquid, or their vomit is yellow, then it is serious.

Unfortunately, I have only experience with dogs, but I do have one particular dog who has an extremely sensitive stomach and began vomiting bile and having wet stools due to an ingredient in their food causing an issue.

Switching to a salmon and rice formula resulted in a quick recovery. Perhaps, your feline is allergic to something in their food as well. Usually it is an enzyme they cannot break down.

However, the other option can be they've swallowed something and their body is taking a while to process it out. From my experience with dogs, I had a week of terrible clean up due to a piece of paper towel finally coming out through their stool.

If becoming serious, a small dosage of plain pedialyte should help to prevent excessive vomiting from dehydrating the animal. I've used it for my dogs whenever their stomach sickness and vomiting lasted more than a day, again, due to them swallowing some paper towel.

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She is no longer alive! She had a s tumor inbetween her stomach and intestines blockking her from digesting food tysm for trying to help lol

by ☆−_^MO^_−☆; ; Report

Your feline's memories with you surely must have led its soul to rest.

As someone who has faced a similar tragedy, (my childhood cat ended her journey with cancer), I understand the feeling of a void in one's daily goings without that familiar presence.

However, the memories spend with them are like lockets worn around the heart, a warm picture of sweet times that aid in the often busy culture of modern society.

by Marshmallow_Fluff; ; Report