dude realizes his code sucks (NOT CLICKBAIT)

after some reflection i have realized i probably shouldnt have allll of my web graphics collection on the same page. it takes like 5 minutes to load at this point LOL. my collection is huge, i like the idea of being able to just scroll down one page and see it all, but its become very impractical (and it will literally only get worse.) now i have to make a bunch of new html documents. wooo /sarcasm. it wont be super hard or anything i just dont feel like it so its annoying.

i made a new CSS layout the other day for my irl collection so it can be displayed efficiently, maybe i should also display my graphics the same way? it'd probably be best, but its kind of annoying how little usage my main layout is getting. if every page is custom then whatd i make this thing for (T-T)

semi related, every time i turn on this site just to check notifications i end up spending an hour fucking with the CSS for my profile. i have a PROBLEM.

0 Kudos


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