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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Dream Log


Will be updated, with updates at the top. -Newest to oldest


This morning I woke up from a dream that was weird as hell.

  ☆ My son and I were walking about at night, with our two dogs. *For some reason this has been a theme in my dreams, lately. My son, two dogs and I, out for an adventure.* We went to one of my old neighbors house, from when I was a teen, and my dogs were playing with his dogs till my big dog killed one of his ducks or chickens (probably stemmed from a video I had watched yesterday), so we left and were walking down the busy road. We get to a curve in the street and to the stop light and I see that the Dollar Tree had set up a bunch of shelves for free stuff, that they couldn't sell. I was looking through the stuff and seen some cool things, so we went and grabbed a shopping cart and started filling it up. I put my little dog in the baby seat of the cart and as we were putting stuff in the cart, a bunch of people showed up to go through and get stuff. When we were done, we started walking home, with the shopping cart and my son asks "are we allowed to take the cart home?" "not really but, we will bring it back tomorrow". Tomorrow arrives, we return the cart and now that area has a shed like building, in the middle of it. It was covered in pictures of my family and I and this old man comes running out, yelling at me about how we shouldn't be there and he plastered my face all over this building to show everyone how much of a whore I am. *WTF??* So I take photos of the building and try and tear the pictures down, when he comes at me with a rolling pin, trying to hit me over the head. People gather around and watch. I grab the rolling pin out of his hand and chuck it, as hard as I could, behind me. He tries to grab my arms and I push him and my son and I run away. We get to my parents old house and I'm explaining all that happened to them, in the living room and show my mom the photos, she goes through all my photos- more than the ones I was showing her and I say "have a good time looking through my stuff?" she started yelling at me about being a whore and *in my defense, I'm not that person and don't do those things*, so I'm confused and get mad and say "quit yelling at me, I'm not 7 years old anymore, none of that even happened" she continues to yell at me and get in my face when I was sitting down, so I stand up and yell back "IM NOT 7 YEARS OLD ANYMORE, YOU DONT GET TO YELL AT ME LIKE THAT". My dad butts in and tells my mom she's out of line and needs to quit. She hits me in the chest and I wake up from that, with a coarse/sore throat. I need to remind my dream-self that I cannot go to their house when something bad happens, it just makes it worse.


Are you able to fall asleep and start dreaming quickly??
I do this thing, when I'm having a hard time sleeping (waking up every hour or two and going back to sleep or even when I just nap), I'm able to have lots of dreams. I know we have tons of dreams when we sleep but, don't remember most. However, when this happens to me, I can remember them all. They're short dreams. Dreams that don't make any sense or dreams that tell me what I need at that time.
Two nights ago, it was like that. I'd wake up often, fall asleep and quickly fall into a dream.

  ☆ The first dream: We lived up in an old abandoned house-like ruins, on the side of a rocky cliff. There was a wooden sway bridge that connected the cliff to the other part of the mountain. Lusciously green, mossy, plants and trees everywhere, big beautiful crystals scattered the ground and cliff side- it was gorgeous. There was a little waterfall to the right side of the ruins, where I carefully was gathering water in a wooden bucket. "what's for dinner?" my son asked. I turn around and said "I'm not sure yet, we'll see". I put the bucket of water inside and he and I start foraging plants to eat, when my husband walks across the bridge with a tan, white and fluffy colored animal over his shoulder. He got to our side, plops the animal down and said "here's dinner"- it was a sheep. My son and I put our plants on the table inside, came back and started cutting all the wool off, then skinned, gutted and butchered the sheep. The sun was about an hour and a half from setting when we got done. The other side of the mountain was almost dark already. I get a fire going, a cauldron placed on it, poured in the water and some mutton and boiled it for awhile, before adding in some of the foraged plants. My son was by the fire, cleaning the wool the best he can with fire light and trying to stay warm. I look up at the sky and it was beautiful, no light or smog pollution, you can see the whole sky very clearly. Then I woke up, unfortunately. It was such a beautiful dream.

  ☆ The second dream: We were living in an ultra-modern sleek apartment(?) with super high ceilings, about 20-25 feet high. Large, tall windows from floor to ceiling. All the kitchen amenities were all on one wall, facing the windows. Tall cupboards, tall white fridge, big single basin sink, white sleek stove. It was night time and I was thirsty. I went out to the kitchen to get some water. We had just bought this new water dispenser that had three taps. One for hot, one for cold and one for seltzer. There was a compartment at the bottom of the unit that would hold a CO2 tank. At the time, I didn't know there wasn't a tank in it, nor did I actually know how to use it in my grogginess. I grabbed my cup, that was next to the sink and went to fill it up with water. I wanted the cold water but, went for the seltzer side. The seltzer tap was more like a small shower head type thing. I pulled the tap down, squeezed the handle and the water came out clear with black and pink ink like stuff in it. I freaked out and poured out the water and tried again, thinking maybe I'm just tired and seeing things. It did the same thing and I poured it out again. I realised which side I was using and went for the cold tap this time. The cold and hot tap were like a soda fountain, where you push the cup against a lever and the water dispenses. I drank 5-6 glasses of water. I went to bed and my husband wakes up and asks "what took you so long?", I told him what happened and he said "that's because there's no CO2 tank in it" "wait, so you're telling me that it dispenses colored shit when it's not hooked up?" "well, it's not supposed to. I'll look at it in the morning". I woke up and was extremely thirsty and went and drank a few glasses of water.

  ☆ The third dream: It was a nice sunny, summer day. My son and I walked up the road, from our house, up to an open field. We were picking all different kinds of flowers, mostly small purple ones and orange ones but, they were all different. There was a big house to the left of us, they were moving out and had movers going in and out of the house to the moving trucks. We both get a bouquet of flowers, walked over to the creek, that was to the right of us, and got our feet wet, to cool us off. We started walking home, when our two dogs appeared, like they had spawned where we were. I grab our small dog, told my son it's time to go and told our big dog it's time to go home. She walked next to the curb, with her nose to the ground. My son was talking to me but, it all sounded like gibberish. We get around the corner and near our house, when the neighbor across the street comes out in the middle of the road yelling at us. I don't know what he was saying either. We get closer to the house, I put our small dog down and her and our big dog went to the house. My son and I walk closer to the neighbor and throws his arms up and starts yelling in gibberish. I woke up with one of the worst tension migraines I've ever had in my life. I went and took one of the All Day Relief pills and laid back down but, had to sit up because the migraine was so excruciating. The pain in the back of my neck throbbed and felt like it was on fire. If I moved my head one way, it would get worse and send all that pain to the front of my face, into my teeth and eyes.  

  ☆ The final dream: The neighbors to the right of us had come over at about 12:30pm. The doorbell rings and you hear tons of voices. "what the hell?" I thought. I peeked out the peephole and seen my sons friends and their mom, with a bunch of other kids and their moms (whom I've never met or seen before). I open the door and the neighbor asked if they all can come over and do some kind of event thing in our living room. I told her "no, our house isn't big enough for all these people" and I looked at her confused and shook my head no. Another mom said "that's okay, would you and your son like to come with us?" I looked at my son and he had a smile on his face and shook his head yes. I answered "yes, give us a few minutes to get ready" We we went and got ready and hopped in one of those 15 passenger vans, it was a cool-toned grey color. We both sat in the middle of a bench seat. We drive off to the neighbors new house. It was a 2-story white home. Fully furnished like it was the white house our something. Fancy and expensive stuff, like you see in the movies (I know houses like that exist, just never been in one before). We get inside, we put our stuff down and the neighbor tells us all to go outside for a scavenger hunt. Okay. The scavenger hunt was similar to an easter egg hunt. We were out there for 2 hours, looking for stuff and the kids were also playing with water toys and in the plastic kid pool, out front. I walk inside, to get some water and seen another mom in there. So I walked over to her and said "excuse me but, how long is this?" "it goes on till 5:30" "5:30?" I repeated. She turned to face me and her lips took up half of her face and she was wearing a beautiful shade of a shimmery mauve lipstick and I said "I'm sorry but, I love that shade of lipstick. This really goes on till 5:30?" "Yes, that's why I'm in here, to get away from all that out there" "That makes sense, I'll leave you be, thank you" I turn around, head out of that room (it was one of those fancy living rooms that no ones allowed to use), grab my phone out of my pocket and call my husband. "Babe, can you come pick us up please?" "I thought they were bringing you guys back home?" "Yes but, at 5:30 and I dont want to stay here that long" "Okay, I didn't know it was going to be that long" "Neither did I, I just found out" "Alright babe, I'm on my way" I go to the front door, that had stayed open the whole time we were there, and yelled at my son to come in. He ran inside, "Yes, what is it? Are you okay?" "Do you know how long we're suppose to be here?" "No, how long?" "Till 5:30, I called dad to come and pick us up already, get your stuff and get ready to leave" "Okay, good, I want to go home anyways. It's to chaotic here" My husband gets to the house, we say our goodbyes, get in the car and on the way home I wake up for the last time, thirsty again but, no migraine, thankfully.


Yesterday, I had more of those "dream within dreams" but, instead of them being anxiety inducing, they were just bizarre. 
  ☆ This one started out in a really cool, old-ish apartment. We had moved into it. It had mustard yellow tiled counters, big windows, a balcony. Tons of my plants all over the place. It was raining pretty good. We had people over, ones I've never met before and some I knew. I was standing in the kitchen, next to sink, looking out the window, admiring my rain covered plants and I look over to my husband, who was standing at the kitchen island and said "I actually really like this apartment, compared to the house we lived in". I started walking out of the kitchen and into the living room, where my son and his friends were playing and that's when I woke up and realized I'm still dreaming, even though it seemed like I was awake irl. -It all looked irl, laying in the bed, cat at my feet, dog at my side but, nope still sleeping, still dreaming. So i went back to sleep and had a dream about some guy, claiming to be my husbands brother or cousin, while we were laying down trying to sleep, he decides to lay down right in the middle of us. But soon pops out of bed and darts down the hallway. He was gone for about 45 seconds before he comes back and shows us his ass but, with his pants still on. weird. I wake up again and see that I'm trying to move but, my dog is keeping me from moving the blankets, so I feel trapped. I go back to sleep and this time I dreamt about these guys, there were 4 of them, trying to fix our car, out front. They had the hood popped open, looking at things. I lay down and look out the window again, see that there's water or something spraying them, like a firehose. I turn to my husband and say "babe, i don't think they know what they're doing". He soon gets a text on his phone and he says the text says "WE SHOULD RUN" "what? what is going on? where are we running to? why are we running?". I wake up again and this time I'm trying to get my dog off the blanket and scoot the cat off the bed, with my foot. Im struggling to move the dog, she's only ten pounds but, seems like 100 pounds with her resistance. She would not move. I make a disgruntled type yell "oh my god Onjo, come on now, move your ass" and that frustration woke me up for real and my husband who was laying beside me, watching a video, trying to sleep and his video is so damn loud and the people in it are making the most annoying, vile sounds. ☆

2.1.24 - This is from my "Dreams Within Dreams" Blog and just wanted it all to be under the Dream Log 

Do you ever have a dream and in your dream, you're sleeping and having a different dream? You "wake up" from the inner dream to a hyper realistic dream of your life? Like nothing weird/scary/anxiety inducing, just normal.


In these dreams within dreams, you're kinda "stuck" or "locked in place"? Like no matter how hard you try to actually wake up- because your inner dreams are wack, you only "wake up" out of that inner dream, seeing yourself still sleeping, screaming at yourself to "wake up, wake up, wake up"? and then those dreams are weird as hell. Like recently, I had these dreams within dreams and every time I thought I woke up irl, it was still a dream and I either couldn't hear anything and/or would have to hold my eyelids open to see because my eyes would not open. In my dream, I would go and tell my husband what is happening and he just laughs at me and says "you're awake babe, you're being crazy" but, I was in fact not actually awake. 

The first time this happened to me, where I felt "stuck", I had a series of wackass inner dreams. One where our clown loach was somehow drilling a hole in the bottom of our tank and the sound of it scared me, so I tried to wake up but, it was a inner dream, so I would wake up from that and into the normal dream, only to see that I was still sleeping. So I would go "back to sleep" and have another inner dream. The next inner dream was me hearing the sounds of cats fighting (we have one male cat who will be turning 5 this year) from my sons room. So I went in there, seen his window was open and my cat dangling out of it, holding onto the ledge (like Scar from the Lion King) so I rushed over to him and grabbed him. But turn around and now theres 3 adult cats with rainbow fur coats and 5 kittens. I grabbed a kitten and was cupping/holding him close to my chest and went to show and tell my husband what happened. He looked at me confused and said I wasn't holding any kittens and that I was just being crazy. But, I said "I can see the kitten and feel that Im holding it, what do you mean there's no kitten" and so I tried waking up from that, seen that I was still sleeping- screamed to wake up but, couldn't so I went "back to sleep" and into another inner dream where this time, the clown loach made her way to the bottom of the tank and pushed herself, hard enough that the glass bent like hot plastic (reminded me of Donnie Darko and that weird stuff) then the clown loach flew out of the tank, hit the curtains and onto the floor. I went to tell my husband and of course "you're just being crazy babe". So I go back to where I was sleeping on the floor, in the living room, seen I was still sleeping and laid back down. Like my body went back into my body. I was forcing my sleeping self to move. I could not get myself to move, it was like I was paralyzed from the neck down. And then I tried to move my head and I got it to move up and down, irl and that got me to finally wake up.

These types of dreams, have been occurring more recently. I'm sure it's just stress and my blood pressure getting too high when I sleep but, has anyone experienced these kinds of dreams within dreams? I think its weird that, when I was 12 or 13 I had wrote a poem called A Dream Within A Dream and got it published in a book. And now, 14-15 years later, Im having them constantly. I never really had dreams within dreams, till I got pregnant. I know Im not pregnant now but, theyre just weird/scary.  

              xD I've wrote dream so many times, the word looks wrong

---> The Dream I woke up from this morning:
Not a dream within a dream, just weird.

My husband wanted me to go outside and look at the moon because it was big, orange and beautiful. So I did, when I went to take my phone out to get a photo (yes my dreams have my phone in it but, never my vape, that's how I know when I'm dreaming or not, when I'm panicking) and the moon instantly gets covered in hurricane like clouds and turns a green-ish yellow color. It starts raining, hailing and snowing. It's super windy. And the "moon" starts getting bigger and bigger and turns back to orange with white, grey and black marbling. It gets so close that it touches the bottom corner, to the roof of our house, I reach up to touch the moon and it turns into one of those giant plastic balls you see in the ball bin at Walmart. It falls down and onto our lawn and it starts snowing really hard. I wake up, see the time and go back to sleep. i continue this dream but, now the city I live in has been destroyed. The houses are destroyed but, people are still living in them. Like they're missing walls, parts of their roofs, doors and windows are missing. They're stuff is strew out across their yards. Just disaster. It was freezing outside and my family and I went to check on the neighbors as she has 3 kids and boyfriend but, the boyfriend wasn't there anymore. The kids are fine but, she's in her room doing droogs. All of their clothes and blankets where just all over their yard. I went back outside and santa was flying over our houses. there wasn't any reindeer but, what looked like a green gift wrapped cow pulling the sleigh. 

Part of me wants to have a whole dream blog about the dreams I have. Some of them are cool, some of them are scary/anxiety inducing and some of them are just wack. I will update the blog and have dates and dividers and always have the most recent on the top of the blog. I remember most of my dreams, even when I was a child. Child me (9y) was the one who figured out that if I start dreaming about the bathroom, I NEED to wake up or Ill piss the bed. I figured out Lucid dreaming when I was about 14y. Lucid dreaming is cool, most times.

I think I will make a separate blog, with updates and what not. Get these damn things out of my head. My husband doesn't like listening to them as they're "too weird" for him I guess. I just jokingly say it's because hE dOeSnT lOvE mE lol. But he also, never remembers his dreams and claims he doesn't dream, even though i have had to wake him up and he starts mumbling and talking about his dream, while still sleeping. Just yesterday, he was dreaming about Crime Stoppers. xD 

I would just like to have someone who's into dreams and is intrigued by them as much as me and would like to share theirs- obviously no judgement here on what's happening in your dreams. Just someone to share with. I go through periods of dreams, where they tell me what's going to happen in the future but, never when they're going to happen unless its a celebration of types. I forewarned my dad about my mom for Halloween last year. I had a bad dream about her on Halloween, a week before Halloween, and told my dad to be aware and low and behold my dream was correct. It's how I know that my fish are gonna die. I have dreams about it beforehand.

4 Kudos


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Ian's profile picture

I find your dreams fascinating. I don't think I've ever had dreams that tell me the future (although, I remember as a kid I was playing video games and had deja vu so intensely, to this day I swore I had a dream about that very moment).

My partner says I have very normal dreams, but some of them FEEL so important. I had one of those important ones last night, and that's why I went sleuthing on dreams, leading me here.

When I have one of those that feel like the universe is telling me something, they usually involve people in my life, whether I just met them or old friends I fell out of contact with. I get an insane urge to let them know I dreamt about them, that I'm thinking of them. However, I fear it's just my brain playing tricks on me and it's not that deep. As if I'm creating my own importance to them because I want them to be more important than they are.

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They can be quite fascinating! You probably did have a dream like that, when you were a child! My son calls them "Future Dreams" as he gets them too.

I know I'm crazy but, dreams are energy! And some energy can get entangled with others and can lead to Astral Projection. Some are just of memories that have been distorted and changed for viewers entertainment. Some dreams can base themselves off of little fragments of things you've seen or heard and and can distort a memory to fit that narrative. If that makes sense.

Energies can entangle and cause your dreams to see things that others don't know or what you to know. Like I said I know I'm crazy when talking about energy, when it comes to dreams.

Dreams can also be effected by your blood pressure, like fever dreams. A high blood pressure, causing you to be hot and sweaty, can cause obscure, anxiety dreams.

I get those kinds of dreams too, where I dream about a person I've fallen out of contact with and something bad or obscure happens. It does make me want to tell them but, because we're no longer talking, I don't saying anything. I know if I've fallen out of contact with someone on bad terms, I'll get the bad and obscure dreams about them. It's like my brain is trying to "re-do" a memory and trying to make me change it or see why I've fallen out of contact. Stress and PTSD can also cause bad dreams.

The only ones that I get weary about are the death ones. I, personally, don't get a lot of those at all. I would get dreams of how my fish are gonna die and then a week or so later, it actually happens. But, for people I don't get those. I don't k!ll people in my dreams either. I've only had two of those dreams. One when I was a teenager and an old friend was with this older guy and I sliced his lower abdomen open, watching his guts fall into the dirt. The other one I had was of my mom. I had that dream in 2020 and, irl- about a couple weeks after the dream, we ending up getting into this huge fight and she still had the mindset of me being a teenager and not a 24 year old, so she thought she could still beat me and push me around and not get hit back. After she was trying to hit my husband in the head with a full glass bottle and hitting him in the face with her hand, I pushed her really hard into the doorframe a few times (because he wasn't going to do anything and I'm not about to let her do that, when he didn't do anything other than wake up to her and I arguing), causing a giant gash on the back of her head and a concussion. After she moved out of my house and back in with my father, I would still get those dreams, telling me when she was gonna be a nasty, wicked drunk to my father. So I would tell him and that saved him on Halloween last year. It saved me on her BDay, when she was living with us. But, now, that that stress of her has mostly subsided, I very rarely get dreams about her.

Not all dreams are a "sign" but, some of them can be. I had a dream of exactly how my sons headset broke and how the entire thing played out, a month later it all happened. Some are mundane little things and some are big.

Have you figured out Lucid Dreaming yet? And another thing, no judgement here, but not being "sober" when sleeping also has a big affect (I probably used effect and affect wrong, my apologies).

You know how when you go to run or fight in a dream, it turns to slow motion as to not wake you up? I fought against it and can do that however, that usually means that I can't hear or a song is playing really loud in my head on repeat. Instead of throwing punches, I turn into the hulk, grab them by their feet and start swinging them around hitting them on things.

I don't know if my comment helped at all and my apologies if it didn't. I can't find anyone to talk to about dreams, so I feel lost sometimes, eager to connect to someone with that similar dream interest!

-Hope all is well and you have sweet dreams. Dream of Candyland. When I say that, I envision Willy Wonka or Shark Boy & Lava Girl, with the ice cream mountains and chocolate river! <33

by cheesestik; ; Report

Oh this is great! I don't experiment with astral projection, because I don't wanna leave my body open to other spirits and stuff. But I guess it could very well be possible I've done it in my sleep. When my friend Althea comes up in my dreams, I always suspect she's doing something of the sort. She and I have some sort of spirit bond, I believe but we don't often talk much. The feelings of spiritual love and romantic interest often gets confusing for the both of us, so I suspect that's why.

A good majority of my dreams are those fragments you mention. Like simply reading an article title about a tank can cause a dream about driving a big ol tank lol. My dreams in general often are stress dreams about loss of control, getting lost, or being somewhere on time - or simply my fun little personal tv show episodes lol.

My family is very spiritual, some more than others, especially my sister. She's very sensitive to "the other side" for lack of a better term. Although, she practices a lot of spirituality. I believe I have a sensitivity, too, but I don't fully practice anything. Once I open up, I start to get confused about what's real and what's not and I get scared and close myself off lol. All that to say, I don't think I usually get dreams that are linked to the spirit realm. But maybe that's why I'm so enthralled with these recent dreams.

I constantly yearn for close connections with people due to feeling neglected as a kid growing up. I constantly feel restricted by physicality in many different ways, so maybe this is my body's way of superseding that and connecting with people thru my dreams.

That's a wild story about your death dreams, thanks for sharing! That seems like a really special gift to have future dreams. How do those feel when you have them? I don't dream of death very much, thankfully. Whenever there's gore in my dreams, I wake up panicked. Those are my nightmares these days. Even if there's an ounce of blood, it turns to a terrifying experience.

A while back in 2023, I had two dreams where I lucid dreamt. It was a very incredible experience. As a kid, I'd lucid dream when I'd have nightmares - I guess it was so scary, It'd wake my brain up, so to speak. Then, all I'd have to do is blink and I'd wake up from the nightmare, which is probably why I don't get them often anymore, as I took power over them. Until one time, I tried blinking to get out of a nightmare and it didn't work. Never had a lucid dream after that up until I randomly had those two recently - and they came out of nowhere! The first time it dissipated so quickly and woke up. The next time, I had more control. I spoke to my dad about the things I was too scared to say irl and it was a very healing experience. After that, I tried to lucid dream again and for the following month, I tried to do some methods and I slowly fell out of it. It was such a cool experience.

When I sleep not sober, it dampens my dreams hella. I've been trying to live a more sober life these days tho, especially in terms of weed. Alcohol and nicotine are the ones I can't seem to escape.

That's really interesting, it's like your body switched out senses after learning how to fight against the slow running. Yesterday night, I was able to fight against the slow running, my method is grabbing the ground with my hands as I run, pulling me forward. It's still difficult but it's much better than before. How;d you manage to fight against that?

Please reach out if you want to talk dreams! I'm always down for talking about this stuff! Unfortunately, I got absolutely awful sleep last night. I was tipsy as I fell asleep last night, slept on the uncomfortable couch with my partner, and my cat woke me up every hour. Hope you dreamt well last night, friend!

by Ian; ; Report

My apologies for such a late reply- been busy and stressed out.

Yeah, sometimes we can't help but do it or don't know that we've done it. It can be confusing. I do hope you and your friend Althea can connect more often- thats a special connection you guys got!

I understand completely about the TV episodes. I always say "I go to sleep to just wake up in another world". it feels like I never sleep. Lots of times I watch videos about other parts of the world, before I sleep, just so I can go them in my dreams. Like a small vacation. I try not to watch ocean stuff before bed though, as I'm afraid of the ocean and those dreams make me want to die. No matter how cool they are, they still scare the crap out of me.

That's awesome your family is spiritual! and I understand about being scared and/or confused when things like that start to blur. I recommend, only if you're interested, to start with just one thing at a time and watch history videos about it. It can help ease you into it without all the spooky because they have more information and explain things better.

I feel that way too, about connection through dreams, because of those restrictions. I'm in the same boat there- yearning for close connection but because of my childhood it's extremely difficult.

And for the future dreams, for me, they feel like any other dream, just louder. Thankfully you don't dream about death, it's a gross/disgusting feeling when I do.

I love that you found a way to take control/power over them, especially when you were a kid! It's difficult for adults to even do that! and I've always found it healing to be able to speak and control things, with others, in your dreams. That's how I got to "heal" with my mom. My PTSD about her is still there but, not so prevalent because I took control in my dream world. I hear about all these ways we can make ourselves lucid dream but, most of them never work for me. The only thing that does work, is waking up and checking the time. I don't know why but, after I go back to sleep I start lucid dreaming. I heard about asking the people in your dreams if "this is dream" or something like that, to see their reactions and what they have to say but, every time I do it, they look at me like I'm crazy.

Yeah, I noticed if I smoked weed before bed, I didn't dream or didn't remember or I kept having reoccurring anxiety dreams. So I quit smoking before bed and this year, I just quit smoking all together (after smoking frequently since 2016) and now, if I were to do a dab it's like I took a small dose of mushies and start trippin balls. I quit drinking for awhile this year but, started again a couple weeks ago. I try my hardest to have just 3 beers and make sure I eat lots of food and drink a lot of water before bed, to be almost sober when I sleep. Alcohol helps with so much when I'm stressed out but, I know because of my ADHD I drink too much and too fast, if I let it take control and get bored. So I have taken a bit of control over my drinking and making it to be only 3 beers. Yes, I haven't drank hard alcohol in a long while, I get even worse with that so I stick with beer. Natty Ice Baby!! Lol they don't taste good but, if you drink them fast enough, you can't tell xD. I would say, to help with trying to quit the alcohol, is to find a hobby that you're highly interested in and when that craving hits, do your hobby instead. I know, I know easier said than done but, it's what has helped me.

Fighting the slow motion, for me, was quite like how you explained yours. It started as baby steps, pulling myself on the ground or walls, to just not even running but, using like energy balls under my feet to kinda jump/float a long distance quickly. I don't know how to explain it. The more you practice fighting against it, the better you'll get at it and finding ways around it. It always feels like there's an elephant on my chest when I do fight it because my body is trying to keep me calm, to sleep but, it doesn't work and a bunch of pressure (which I guess is my rapid heartbeat) is in my chest.

And I'll definitely reach out and same to you as well! That sounds like a horrible nights sleep. I hope you've gotten better sleep since! I started sleeping on the floor because I noticed my cat wont wake me up when I'm down there. I don't know why but, he wont. mf-er would cannon ball onto my stomach, knocking the wind out of me, so when he would sleep. I'd jump on the bed, right next to him, making that PRRRRTT sound, to scare him awake. I did that 3 times and I think he connected the dots because he hasn't done that since.

-Hope all is well in your dream word! <3

by cheesestik; ; Report

No need for the apology, life is life, I get it haha.

But reading your dream today, I also went to my old neighbor's house from when I was a kid. It was abandoned but there was still furniture in it and stuff. I wanted to rummage thru, but something happened, idk what, and I don't remember anything after that.

On the topic of lucid dreaming, there are times I get close, but I don't consciously connect the dots. For example, two nights ago, I dreamt that my jaw locked up and I was just chewing on teeth. That means I was grinding my teeth. It's painful and miserable, but for the first time ever, I consciously knew why my jaw was locked up - I was grinding my teeth in my sleep - but I didn't really get to full lucidity. Like I knew I was dreaming, but I didn't at the exact same time. So close, yet so far lol.

The problem with my drinking is that I like to drink while doing my hobby lol. It's like a way to have fun and play while enjoying my craft (I do a lot of photography editing and film negative manipulation). But dude, that's so funny you bring up natty light, in college, we would drink keytstone light lmfaoo. We'd get a 30 pack like every thursday haha.

But yes, I have gotten some good sleep since our correspondence! Although I will always 100% wake up in the middle of the night at some point every night. Happy dreaming!

by Ian; ; Report