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Category: Romance and Relationships

Lesbianism should not be centered around men

(ENG) It has been quite some time since a debate on the terminology that should be used to describe lesbianism has started on the internet. One of the terms that caught my attention was "non-man loving non-men". I am tired of the erasure of [lesbian] women, and with this terminology my sexuality is being centered around the existence and likes/dislikes of men. Some try to explain that it is used to include trans-men who "deeply feel the socialization of being a women but don't identify as such", but at the end of the day they are STRAIGHT MEN who are invalidating and invading WOMEN-ONLY IDENTITIES AND SEXUALITIES. I am a lesbian, a homosexual women, a women who loves other women; i deserve to be recognized as such.

from a woman to other women, xoxo

(ESP) Desde hace mucho tiempo se ha generado un debate en línea al respecto de la terminología que debería (o no) ser utilizada para describir a las lesbianas. Una de las que más a llamado mi atención es "no-hombres quienes aman a otros no-hombres" (non-man loving non-men) y como una mujer lesbiana no puedo evitar pero sentir que mi identidad está siendo eliminada para centrarla, como siempre, al rededor de la existencia y/o gustos de un hombre. Algunos han intentado excusar el término al decir que son para incluir hombres trans que "han pasado por la socialización y el amar de una mujer pero no se identifican con ese género" pero al decir que son lesbianas (siendo un HOMBRE HETEROSEXUAL) están invalidando y apropiándose de SEXUALIDADES Y ESPACIOS EXCLUSIVOS PARA MUJERES. Soy lesbiana, una mujer homosexual, una mujer a la que le gustan otras mujeres; merezco ser reconocida como tal. 

de una mujer y para otras mujeres, xoxo

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Zigzag Buster 🇺🇦

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As an asexual, their seems to be this weird fixation on what men want but not what women want. How do you explain that? Could this be another case of men being seen as desirers and women being seen as desired?

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I would absolutely say that! In this world we have learned to prioritize the desires of men over ours, the fact that even lesbianism is centered around them for some people is proof of that. In my own life, I try to prioritize women even when they wont try to prioritize themselves; we are equal, we deserve to have desires too.

by s.amiii_gr; ; Report

I do not buy even once that the term “non-man loving non-men” is a term that is inclusive of trans-men. Not only does it not make sense, it also implies that trans-men are not men. It’s clearly an attempt to center lesbians around the desires of cishet men by invalidating the fact that women can have desires of their own.

by Zigzag Buster 🇺🇦; ; Report

I wrote two articles on the topics of feminism and how sexual objectification works if you’re interested. https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=1112972 https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=1113021

by Zigzag Buster 🇺🇦; ; Report