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Category: Blogging

👽 BYF THINGY (i hate these things) 👽

(hii i usually don't make these but due to the format of this site i think its probably for the best i do! i hate it just as much as you do i just really don't feel like having to vet everyone i interact with like crazy, i want this to be out there and easily accessible.)

Before You Friend:

  • im a radical leftist punk in the genuine "i do my research and know a lot about politics and history" way, i do not fuck with anyone right of center.
  • as you might gather from the former point, this means a massive DNI for fascists, TERFS, zionists, cop boot lickers, and bigots of any other form.
  • nonpolitical/centrists/neoliberals are on thin ice but i understand a lot of people find politics scary and overwhelming, so ill be generous and say that its okay. just like. consider learning about the world maybe? please? dont be complicit in suffering.
  • i believe in queer liberation which means anyone who shits on other's good faith identities is also not welcome. if you dont understand an identity thats fine but dont use your ignorance as an excuse to hurt others. queer people should not have to be palatable to cishetallos. no one is "making us look bad", bigots want to beat all of us with hammers equally.
  • internet discourse is generally dumb and i refuse to partake in it, if ur scared i disagree with you on some internet discourse thing i most likely have no take on it. my only concern is if you're causing or encouraging harm, if no ur chill if yes then you arent welcome. easy.
  • i am white-japanese (i am white passing though! its a cultural connection more than a racial one.) and i don't really like weeaboos and koreaboos. if you just like anime or kpop or the country's culture thats fine, but weeaboo and koreaboo are terms to describe people who are obsessed with east asian culture/people and idolize it.
  • 13 year olds go away!

About me!

this section is not required reading, just thought i should include some stuff about me that might scare away anyone who might be weird about it.

  • im a genderfluid autigender man, i use neopronouns i just don't feel like listing any on my page. if ur curious ill tell u some of them but im fine with just being referred to with he/him.
  • im abrosexual greyaromantic queer.
  • im a cripple punk, i have severe POTS which makes me unable to stand for longer than a minute or two & an unspecified hypermobile condition which causes me chronic pain. (suspected ehlers danlos but doctor didnt think finding a proper diagnosis was necessary.) i use a cane currently and am hoping to get a rollator sometime in the near future to increase my mobility.
  • my autism is technically self diagnosed, however i am recognized by my mental health professionals as being autistic and when i saw an autism specialist she was completely sure i am autistic and tried to get me diagnosed. only reason i havent pursued it more is complex legalities.
  • i am a dropout, i do my best to be educated on things like history and politics since i find them important but in most aspects i am very lacking compared to people my age.
thanks for reading! i look forward to being your friend.

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