Hi! Here's a classpect analysis of the Maid of Light, suggested by @cannolicritter. I plan on doing a lot more of these in the future! The main sources I'm using for this are cannolicritter's awesome classpect guide and a guide by Dahni.
The Aspect: Light
Light symbolizes real, actual light, but also luck and, most importantly, knowledge. Those who utilize light utilize these symbols in different ways: Vriska Serket, a Thief of Light, sought to steal (thieve) luck (Light) in order to boost her own luck. Rose Lalonde, a Seer of Light, sought to gain (seek) information (Light) in any way she could, as well as document it through her guide of Sburb. Imagery of Rose with light, i.e. the sun, the Land of Light and Rain, etc. is very common as well.
The Class: The Maid
The Maid is a class we thankfully see twice: through Aradia Megido and Jane Crocker. The Maid is the active counterpart to the passive Sylph class and is described as "one who creates (with) their aspect" or "one who takes care of their aspect".
The Maid begins by requiring their aspect from others, and part of their major growth, they learn to provide themselves with their aspect. Aradia, the Maid of Time, began the session lacking the time to act effectively, causing her to be left trying to catch up to others. After she was revived, however, she began to embrace the impermanence of life and began to gain more time to sort things through. Jane, the Maid of Life, began her session lacking motivation or will to go on, and relying on others to get her out of her bad depressive moments.
The Classpect: The Maid of Light
The Maid of Light would begin their journey of self-improvement by first lacking information or luck. They would lack their own perspectives and opinions and would instead rely on others to base their opinions off of. They might also rely on superstition, good luck charms, etc. to feel at ease at first. However, over their personal journey, the Maid of Light would learn to let go of old opinions they'd picked up over time and create new ones, and would begin to create their own opinions and ideas by themself. Rather than relying on the knowledge of others, they would begin to understand how to "housekeep" information (like a maid!), compartmentalizing it and making sure to define the line between what's true and untrue. They would become themself a source of information, becoming similar in vain to the Seer of Light.
Taking the route of luck, a Maid of Light might begin their journey by having to ride on other peoples' luck; they'd perhaps wait for others to get lucky in order for them to benefit, like getting a cut of money from a friend who won the lottery. As they grow, however, they would learn how to cause lucky things to happen to themself and others, creating new situations, ideas, and opportunities due to their control of luck. Just as the Maid of Light would become a source of information, they would also become a source of luck, with they themself being a symbol of luck for others, always being in the right place at the right time.
When making a fan-character that's a Maid of Light, their powers could include the creation of objects via light, which might even include lucky objects/talismans that others could use. Them having or developing some sort of sensory disability such as blindness (common Light theme!) or deafness would fit well, as they would more literally depend on others for information. If they're a troll, their connection to luck is an active push for the Olive caste, members of which always seem to be at the right place at the right time. In their session, they would become a person people will come to for information and guidance, and they would likely be very open to it as they literally have the namesake of a caretaker.
My thoughts?
The Maid of Light is an amazing classpect that hasn't been explored enough! As a Light player myself, I love the idea of an arc involving becoming a wellspring of information, and the ideas for fan characters of this class lead to very interesting possibilities! I'm always a sucker for disabilities interacting with one's classpect, and the Maid of Light opens itself up to that perfectly.
That's my analysis of the Maid of Light! Thanks to @cannolicritter again for the request!
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THIS IS SO PERFECT AND EVERY WAY POSSIBLE, I CANT STRESS THAT ENOUGH!!! your entry is soo great for a first-time analysis and im honored to be credited as a source of classpect and a source of info omg ^_^... i especially love how everything is formatted and how you include various interpretations of an aspect (such as focusing on both the knowledge and luck in light!) looking super forward to more classpect takes from you!!!! (^O^☆♪
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THANK YOUUUU! this was super fun to do!!! i might do bard of life next for another req :D
by hedgeh0g; ; Report