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real emo ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr!☠︎︎

ReAL emO" OnLy CONSisTS OF tHe dC EmOTIOnAl haRdcORe sCEnE N the L@e 90S ScreamO sceNe!! wH@ is KnOWN bY "MidweST emO" Is nOthAIN But ALTERn@IvE rOcK WitH quesTIOnAble ReaL EMO iNFLUENce!! WhEN PeOpLe Try tO ArGUe th@ bnS LIke My chemical ROmaNcE aRE nOT REAL EMO,,,,,,,,, WHAiLe sayIn Th@ SUNNy daY ReaL EST@e iS,,,,,,,,, I CaNt HELP nOT TO crINE BEcausE THEy are JusT aS faKE eMO As My ChEMicAl rOMAnce (PlUs ThE PREteNTiOuSnESS)!! ReaL EMO sOUNDS energetIC,,,,,,,,, pOWeRFUl n suMwH@ H@EfuL!! fakE emO iS WeaK,,,,,,,,, sElf PiTy N A FaILED @Tempt TO Direct ENeRgy n emOtiOn intO MuSIC!! Sum EXaMPLES Of reaL EMO ARE Pg 99,,,,,,,,, ritES OF spRIN,,,,,,,,, caP n jaZz (tHe OnLY REAL EmO bn fROM THe miDWESt scENE) n lOMA Prieta!! sUM ExampLes Of fAKe emO arE AmericAn FOOTbAlL,,,,,,,,, MY cheMicAL ROMANcE n mineral EMO BElOnGS tO haRdCOrE nOt tO iNDie,,,,,,,,, pOp PuNK,,,,,,,,, ALt ROCK OR ANY Other mainSTReAm GEnrE XXx XxX

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