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hello hello! noot much had changed since i last wrote Xb 

im in orbootice rn and it ssooo boring, as it usually is, the assignment we had was super easy to do so i finished early so now i have like 30 minutes of free time! >_< whats even worse is that i dont have any homework to work on instead, so here i am now! blogging my week!

so, this week has been weird (for refrence im talking about 02/01-02/05).. basically nothing has happened, everythings been feeling kinda bland lately Xc, im trying to get back into my old hobbies tho! like ive been drawing a sh!t ton recntly, ive also been playing a ton of minecraft and pokemon, oh and i also have been practicing learning the other languges i want to learn! (japanese,italian,german)  even if its a lot of work im excited to be able to put it to use!

yesterday i realized i lost my computer charger and now ive been searching the entire school for it T~T i hope i can find it soon so my mom doesnt have to pay money for a new one, lord knows shes getting tired of spending money on me XD

i figured out how to get minecraft on my school computer so ive been staying up like stupidly late playing that cuz my mom takes my other sh!t away at night Xp

i have like 0 clue on what else to write, 2nd hour is almost done and i get to go to study hall next hour which is meh cuz, like i already said, i dont have any homework to do so i guess im just gonna be watching a lot of episodes of hannibal or smth (i rlly need to get to finishing Hannibal o ill probs watch that)

anywhoo, feel free 2 talk about ur intrests in the replies :3

bye bye 4 now!!

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Charlie!! :D

Charlie!! :D's profile picture

qualcuno per favore parli di Hannibal con me Xd

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