(I won't abbreviate so you all can read :3)
|| This is my first blog explaining scene tips, tricks and just overall explaining what the scene fashion is, where it originally came from, how it became what it is today and all the essentials you need to be seen! I will also include blogs with store recommendations, music artist recommendations, etc! ||
THE CUT : one of the scene styles biggest, most noticeable features is the hair. if you want to be seen one of the main aspects to play the part is by getting that choppy, big, layered look. If you want you can Google up some tutorials on how to cut your own hair but if your to scared or don't have the right materials you can always show a barber a picture (preferred a barber who has scene cut experience or has been scene before) or you can ask the barber for 'a super layered V cut, with a layered deep side bang' usually that works and if there's parts they got wrong or parts you don't like very much you can always go home, grab a pair of scissors and trim/fix the parts you want, if you mess up don't stress about it because the look is supposed to look sloppy anyway! The cut could range from smaller layers to medium length to longer at the bottom or you can get medium length layers that slowly form into longer, me personally I like to start with small length and slowly get longer so you have pieces to tease easier! Make sure that you get the side part on whatever side feels the most comfortable, you could have a side part on the left side of your face, framing/covering the right side, or a side part on the right side framing/covering your left side, usually the side part on the right is more popular and common but it does not make you any less scene if its on your left ( REMEMBER TO MAKE SURE ITS A DEEP SIDE PART )
THE STYLING : After you get your haircut, you go home and you realize that your hair doesn't look like the pictures you've seen of Lexi lush or the people online, and that's because it's unstyled, of course before you do anything with your hair make sure its dry, and washed, most don't but if you want you can apply heat protector spray to your hair before hand (I do because without it my hair doesn't straighten at the bottom) but if you don't need it then don't use it, the more fried, the better! anyway, you want to straighten your hair, and I mean STRAIGHTEN THAT HAIR!!! it doesn't matter if it kills every hair on your hand, make sure that it is PIN STRAIGHT. once it's pin STRAIGHT you can really see where the layers are and where they end, plus you'll get rid of any curlier/wavy types of hair. Once done with the straightening part, you want to take a can of hairspray and spray a shit ton of hair spray all over your hair, make sure you get every piece (again, the dirtier, the better! so make sure it's really sprayed down) once its all hair sprayed down, grab a piece of your smallest layer and a comb and comb the hair downwards while holding the piece of hair up over your head, when you comb it downwards make sure to flick your comb out, do not just go up and down cause that won't work! Once the teasing is finished you want to spray the piece with hairspray till it's basically standing up on its own once you let go. make sure to tease the smaller layers and especially the back! and then comb it over (DO NOT COMB IT THROUGH!!!) you can use any brush but I use one of these ; (https://www.amazon.com/DetanglingHairbrushGlideDetanglerStraight/dp/B07956TYPF/ref=asc_df_B07956TYPF/tag=hyprod20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312134760890&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2952682520927697242&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028724&hvtargid=pla570648678865&psc=1&mcid=d24dbe7bf3d834a689ef398963703be0&gclid=CjwKCAiAiP2tBhBXEiwACslfntZuX_UELR9iMIR6bJcuKuPlLGWgpZZRX3OAjwukNl4xA0DYrM3ZRoCXbUQAvD_BwE) available on Amazon, again DO NOT BRUSH IT THROUGH, I only use it to flatten it down and to get rid of the frizzy/tangled feeling. once all of that is finished, hair spray all over your head once again, depending on how big/messy the more hair spray to use to make it actually stay up, some scene kids used almost a whole can of hair spray to make there hair stay up! but of course, not everybody has to use that much/make there hair that big!
DYING YOUR HAIR : if you look at the scene queens / scene fashioned people, you can see there are quite a handful of them that have brightly colored hair or little things in their hair that really make them stand out. most scenes dye cheetah/racoon prints in the colored parts of their hair, but if you're not artistic enough for that you can always use extensions, or if you don't want to kill your hair even more you can use extensions for that purpose as well! Some popular scene dyes are peek-a-boos, (skinny)skunk highlights or their whole head dyed a specific color! it's usually bright colors (ex : pink/purple/green/blue/yellow/green) mostly brighter/neon versions of colors so you can see the prints easier and to match the brightly colored clothes but of course it doesn't make you any less scene if you would rather just have black/dark colored hair! A tip for dying cheetah prints into your hair is part the colored/piece of choice from the rest of your hair and take a Q-Tip, dip the Q-Tip into black hair dye and lightly tap the hair in shapes of cheetah prints, if you don't know what cheetah prints look like you can always Google inspo or do really thick C shapes :) and for the racoon print, what I did was take a paint brush (pref : a bigger one) and dip it into black dye and just draw really thick lines across the hair, the black lines should be atleast 1-2 inches! ( DRAW THE LINES GOING SIDE TO SIDE, NOT DOWN !! )
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