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Category: Games

why cry of fear is the best horror game EVER!!!!

so this is my first blog so im not that good at this... but i'll try my best :')
so this im here to talk about cry of fear a.k.a the best horror ever 
but why its the best one? well im here to answer!!1 so lets go first thing is gameplay so cry of fear is a mod for half life 1 and it use the same engine but it has some difference is the stamina thing wich is kinda annoying in the parkour areas and the chases but sometimes it can help alot... well the combat is pretty simple you have melee attacks and guns with guns are not good everytime since the reload mechanism is not like you expect cause the bullets that are still left dont stay with the next mags!!!1!! so you got to use ALL of your ammo to make 100% use of your bullets also dont miss ヽ(^o^)ノ about monsters and horror the game itself is VERYY SCARY principally in the sawrunner parts wich i myself cried of horror the first time the monsters are pretty good representing something for the protagonist wich im gonna talk now!
Story: im not gonna give spoilers but if you have triggers with suicide and depression i DO NOT recomend this game for you!!! since we follow the character simon who lives in sweden the thing is that simon has depression as seing in the game but he have to return home to "end" the game (wich is a hell of walk LOL) through the game you will have 2 encouters that changes the game TOTALLY!!! wich are with the boss carcass and the doctor this decisions change the ending and are supeeeer important for the plot (trust me it is) the game has 4 endings with a 1 extra bonus one for its the perfect game EVER!!!111!! it mixes horror with action with mental problems and it represents really well some disorders :') i hope you try the game later bc you are missing alot!!11!!1

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