What do i do?

So there is this guy, let's call him Michael (It's not his real name), I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS GUY, not o ly because of how GORGEOUS he is, but also of how funny and kind he is!! :) 

I met him like, 3-4 weeks ago, but we're already friends, I got his Instagram only, but we talk everyday, it's not a LAARGE conversation but short things like "Look at this video" "cool" and if you're asking, he is kind of dry texting, but plenty of his friends have told me that he always texts everybody dry, so I don't really need to worry about it. 

But I'm kinda sad tho, because, one day, I was talking with my friends and as always, I was telling them how bad I want to kiss this guy, but they told me "Oh did you know the other day he came to class with a hickey in his neck?" I was like WHAT. then they told me the whole story and... I was a little sad y'know? Then, I texted one of his closer friends and she told me "Well, I'm ntg, he... May or may not had a thing with his bff" what gave me hopes is the fact that se said HAD, she said it like it was only a one time thing, soooo, I'm not really sad rn.

SO PLEASE HELP ME, should I talk to him more, and try to be closer with him, or just give up? 

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Minidroit's profile picture

Why don’t you ask him directly for confirmation that he has/does not have a significant other? It’s not an odd question to ask.

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I could, but I've been acting very strange when he's around, and I think he is suspecting, and I'm scared of asking that because he may think that I like him, AND I DO but im scared he may stop being my friend :( /sorry for my bad english T-T/

by Zeenwax¥fmb01; ; Report

While it is a semi-reasonable fear, I don’t believe it is a probable outcome. I’ve never seen a friendship where the suspicion that someone likes you has ended it.

by Minidroit; ; Report

Well, in that case, thank you for the idea! :) ill ask him

by Zeenwax¥fmb01; ; Report