this boy really upsets me .
he was so cute up until new years and now he's dry, leaves me on seen, ignores me at school, but leaves me just enough to keep up my small obsession. i wished he liked me, or i wished somebody would come save me from his bullshit, all i want rn is somebody to genuinely love and care about me, someone i can show affection too and they'll pay it back and not make me feel like shit for wanting to be around them.
its literally so pathetic but i want to be in love just once before i focus up and go to uni. i promised myself i would stand on business by that time but its so close now and there is so much i wanted to do before then. and the main was have a happy relationship before i move cities ....... sid is the closest thing i have to that rn, and i'm so attached since we've spent the entirety of last year going on and off - i'm fully aware how shit of a situation it was but i was desperate, and i still am, which is why i blindly decide to be stupid and go along with his shit,,,,,,,
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Fuck that guy, cut him off he sounds like trash