so I hade a super fun day today. I slept at AM's place today. woke up and had some banger ass bagels, like remy from ratatouille mixing cheese and strawberry sensation typpa bagel.
We commuted to Solna and had a walk to Haga parken. we to took a walk ( down to the waters. You could see alba nova and a KTH building, across the water you could see Stockholm University campus.
The visit to fjärilshuset was super fun. we saw different types of frogs, fishes, turtles, tortoises and butterflies. The climate in side the green house were a sharp contrast to the climate outside. 25 degrees and something like 90 percent humidity. A lowkey terrifying atmosphere to be around, but a super fun experience,
By the end of the greenhouse there were an aquarium part with sharks and everything. There were one BIG aquarium with the sharks and other larger fishes. by the walls they had smaller ones with coralls and neon colored fishes, shit was super trippy.
Leaving fjärilshuset both me and anna maria realised how hungry we were, and she suggested to go to a ramen place in hötorget. on the way there were a family(?) of greeks that sat facing us in the subway, AM engaged in converstion and really seemed to enjoy herself speaking with them.
When arriving to Tokyo Ramen, the line of 4 parties were an instant deterrent, but she ensured me that we are soon gonna get seated. I was skepitcal, but thankfully she were right. My ass was starving-goingCrazy-hungry, and the food was super good!!! Super nice experience. this day didn't end here a weird housewarming ensued after this, but a lovely day
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i also had a lovely day, thank you for the really cool idea:)
can you give any titbit about the housewarming (except that lennon was on coke)? the anticipation is too high
hahahhaah too high, get it?? was not intentional but im so so funny
by ratlover<3; ; Report
after this i never want to hear me laughing at my own jokes...
when I do it, atleast its not left there for the whole world to see forever...
no but it was really weird, like enjoyable for a while then it just went overboard.
It started with us watching football, everyone was drinking. half an hour to an hour later 4/7 started sceaming on getting a bag (this was after lennon had left), Lukas (not kth lukas) had been messing with noe the whole evening, and as he got drunker shit just escalated. Me and Sixten left by the time they started digging into the bag. Did have some interesting conversations with peopl doe
Oh also they managed to spill beer and liqour on Edwards couch and carpet lol
by Mali; ; Report