Top 10 things I'd like to get
But can't
for various reasons
1. Snakebites
It's a very illogical thing to want in my case, because my teeth are in a questionable state because my dentist did an oopsie woopsie but how else will I attract emo boys and be cool? I feel like snakebites are a sort of chip that sends waves to other cool people and they detect the signal and go "yeah..that's a gay, cool, amazing person right there". Without those it's as if I were a shell of something that would be very cool if it had snakebites
2. Dyed hair
That's, like, obvious. I need jet-black hair to be cool as well. My dirty blond simply isn't appealing neither to me nor to emo guys in my area and it constantly looks greasy (maybe because I shower once a week...)
3. the ABCC11 gene
My excessive sweating linked to poor hygiene which I'm not proud of but I hate myself leave me alone makes me smell no matter the amount of deodorant and cologne I wear. This gene would be perfect for me, as I would not smell which would make me better and significantly more cool
4. A phone that isn't motorola
Nobody warned me that the polish make such shitty smartphones. Never buying that again. Save yourself.
And a phone that doesn't have google everything would be kinda nice too
5. A girlfriend
My only requirement is that she has hands for me to hold or something
6. A boyfriend
I'm not gay but a boyfriend sounds nice, with a nice set of legs so he could, like, step on my ribs and laugh at me that'd be pretty cool
7. Friends
8. A therapist
Not to self-diagnose but something is definitely wrong
9. My nails done
It sounds cool I wish my fingers didn't look like sausages
10. A will to live
I'm actually not enjoying my misery and the fact that my edgy hormonal teenage phase isn't going away is kinda worrying
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