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Category: Life

Why does no one live like they are gonna die?

"Why does no one live like they are gonna die?" This is the title of a YouTube video I came across last week, and I will be linking the video down. It's beautiful.

The point here though, We feel like we have an eternity when that is not true. Like how we wait for the weekends and vacations to finally "live". We go to bed, wake up and the cycle continues, but it doesn't. An individual life isn't cyclic even though it may feel like it is. There is a stop somewhere maybe today, maybe tomorrow or maybe in the next 30 years. But sure enough, there is a stop. That stop is guaranteed the moment we take our first breath. The last breath. A concept that we see so much in each second yet that is so hard for us to grasp. 

The illusion of having an eternity of a lifetime is sad. We keep pushing things and people. It's hard and that is life. Life is hard and as much as inevitable as death. Enjoy every moment of life with the people you love and the stuff you care about, because life is a vacation. A very short vacation.

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Minidroit's profile picture

Isn’t there a point in life where death is so far away that you should not be concerned about it! I understand your intentions with this entry & I do think that death is a good impetus for action, but the idea of doing things just because you will die one day has an uncomfortable air of paranoia. Sure, we will all die at one point—it is inevitable—but just because it will end doesn’t mean that every second of life must be eventful or meaningful because it is finite. Leisure & emptiness are as important as action, & life is long enough to enjoy the downtimes between each event. At what point does constant leisure & a carpe diem attitude burn someone out? People should live a hedonic, yet calm lifestyle.

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Whoops, used an exclamation point instead of a question mark

by Minidroit; ; Report

Hey, thanks for sharing your perspective and your comment is beautiful; I agree that not every moment needs to be crammed with events or meaning. Life is about balance, and enjoying leisure and rest is essential. My emphasis is more about not postponing the things that are genuinely important to us, and not waiting until some distant future to begin living. It's about striking a balance between grabbing the day and enjoying the quieter moments especially in today's world. :))

by juniper; ; Report