- Homophobez
- transphobez
- racistz
- RCTA ppl
- z00z
- furry/therian haterz
- problematic ppl in general tbh
- ppl who support problematic ppl
- ppl who fake disabilitiez/mental illnessez
- ppl who say "mental illness is hot!!" or "you don't ACTUALLY have that, yr faking!!" (second one only if the person isn't faking/isn't diagnosed)
- under 11, over 18
(Homophobes, transphobes, racists, RCTA ppl, z00s, furry/therian haters. problematic ppl in general tbh, ppl who support problematic ppl, ppl who fake disabilities/mental illnesses, ppl who say "mental illness is hot!!" or "you don't ACTUALLY have that, yr faking!!" (second one only if the person isn't faking or/isn't diagnosed), etc etc)
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