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Category: Blogging

lil rant ㅎ_ㅎ

ok so like im a lil slow. and before u comment "no u aren't" its ok i am and thats like not a bad thing it just is what it is man but its really FUCKING annoying when people tell me i just need to "try harder" like i dont most likely have a learning disability. (even thought ive yet to be told exactly whats wrong its very clear i have so sort of learning disability) ive always had problems with reading, spelling, and writing. its hard for me to read out loud and just in general and spelling is like hell. even typing this i have to look up words to make sure im spelling shit right. its always been like this sense i was little and its not like im not trying  but for some reason people (mainly my dad) keep acting like im just "not trying hard enough" like BITCH?!! im sorry but no amount of "just reading more" will fix the fact that the words flout on the page or that i have to read things like 10 times bc i kept reading "not" as "no". they just dont get it and they think their helping or like being encouraging but like no your just making me feel bad and honest ive accepted the fact that im slow and i dont see that as a bad thing anymore. i just learn different and i struggle more than others but that not really something that "must be fixed". i mean sure i would love to be normal and all but like thats never gonna happen. i dont need to be "fixed" or "cured" i just need to live with it. for years i hated it and ii blamed myself thinking i was just a dumb ass or something was wrong with me. so when people say shit like "just try harder and it will be fixed" i get annoyed cause no its not that easy and even so i shouldnt need to be fixed either way. even if thats not what they meant that how it comes off. i mean at the end of the day they can list off bullshit solutions bc it doesnt effect them. idk just something i was thinking about bc i just had my IEP meeting yesterday lol. 눈 _ 눈

moral idfk maybe dont tell people with learning disabilities to just like "try harder lolꃋᗜꃋ"

2 Kudos


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