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FIRST POST EVER - meeting bo en + kikuo + matt watson + almost got in a fight?!?!?

HELLO SPACEHEY USERS welcome to my blog the only real reason i got spacehey. my first entry will be abt meeting bo en and kikuo because it is fresh on my mind and will also be my only personality trait for the foreseeable future. it is 2:58 am and im half baked lets go


DAY 1: i went to both LA shows on bo en's 10th anniversary pale machine tour and i was SO hype you had no idea.... i wanted to see both bo en and kikuo equally tbh because i ahve loved both of their music for years. doors weren't until 8 and i had shown up at 2:30 because idgaf if i'm payinf for a standing room only show i AM getting the best possible view. before the show bo en made this tweet and my fucking eyes bulged when i read it. i immediately told my small group of 3 (me not included) that we needed to lock TF in for bo!!!!!1 and they agreed. AND IT WAS ON

the shows were so so so hype and awesome i cant even describe. i ended up getting barrier but i was very worried bc i went for merch first and the lady (bless her bc i could feel her stress) running kikuo's merch line was having card reader troubles and it took literally forever i thought it was over 😭 BUT MY FRIENDS CLUTCHED UP!! kane west vs gus bonito was so dancey and upbeat and he was the perfect opener for bo and kikuo (or kik a la bo en). kikuo came out swinging with bangers like dust dust curse, voices of svaahaa, gomenne gomenne,  ten sho sho ten sho, aishite aishite aishite, kimi wa dekinai ko, universe cat drowning (one of my personal faves) ALL THE HITS bo en OHMYGODD bo en did the entirety of pale machine + pale machine 2 + da singles (LOVE IN A SONG <3) AH AH AHH SO FUCKING GOOD hes such a good performer i need him to tour again NOW. he also brought out matt watson as a guest on stage and i literally have been carrying a matt trdng card on my phone for at least year+ now so i FREAKED dafuq out. he saw it and smiled and pointed at me. i was noticeably shaking. i also gave bo en a gift :3

the real meat of these stories happen after the show; the show had ended and since we're barrier and in a venue that rivals the size of a shoebox theres nowhere for us to go so we hang for a bit. i turned to my friends and after a while i hear this small wave of screams and FUCKING KIKUO is back on stage. idk how but he's there and hes signing things and taking pics. i had to act fast so i whipped out the matt watson card and he signed it for me! he also did a hand heart with me hes so kawaii

after a while i could kinda see he was getting overwhelmed bc more and more people were surrounding him so he freaked out and said he was gonna be at the merch tables. i still have no fucking idea how this happened because of how many ppl were ahead of us in the crowd but we got very very close to the start of his line so of course we met him more formally this time and he signed my miku sticker book which i always carry with me :3  hes so so sweet it felt so surreal actually interacting with him

DISASTER WILL SOON STRIKE. we wait outside the venue for bo en. it was well past 10 at this point and me and a small group of others were waiting for him. we had begun to lose hope but then MATT WATSON (one of my favorite white guys as you can gather) walks write down the street right in front of me. i was freaking the fuck out bc he recognized me from the crowd (i met him previously at another event and i met him again later but thats a secret) but he signed my card for me! i now own a 1 of 1 kikuo + matt watson signed trdng card. 

this kept us energized for bo en but... HE NEVER CAME!!!! our theory is thattheres another exit to the venue and he went there but we never ended up meeting him :( on day 1 at least


DAY 2: day 2 was at a different venue and doors were at 7 so i showed up at 3ish. there was a lady across the street who was preaching and smacking on drivers windows and cars. we watched a guy with 0 pants on in a suit and tie put pants on in the middle of the street. the guy next to me gave me a bluey sticker and its on my wallet now :3 i was in a group of 5 (6 if u count me) but we didnt end up getting barrier but we got p close to it. 

during the show, my 2 friends (codenames bc i get paranoid abt using real names) MA and A are in front of me slightly to the left. and my other 2 friends MI and K are next to me. in the middle of bo en's show this big short annoying greaseball PUSHED his way in front of me, MI and K and to the right of MA and A. the whole time hes YELLING right in our ears, singing the melodies to the songs WRONG and yelling to his friend SHAUNNNNNNN every 2 fucking seconds. i had to get this grease stain out of here and luckily my goats MA and A had been oaying attention so they give space for me, MI and K. i end up in front of him, to prove a point MI pushes in front of the guy and he goes "BUT IM RIGHT HERE THO!". MI touched my shoulder but i thought it was the dude touching me so i IMMEDIATELY whip my head around with my fist raised. of course my friends die laughing because they didnt expect it but this dude goes "WHO WERE U GONNA HIT THO?" and i wanted to see the show so i let it go. 

the show ends and me, MI and K wind up next to the guy and his group. he tried to tell US of for pushing in front of HIM so we all let him have it and told him how it really happened. he blubbered away and my friend turned to me and called him a faget and i guess his deeply repressed ass was hurt because he shouted to me and said "WE WERE GONNA THROW HANDS IN THE PIT" and all tjis other shit before him and his group walked away. 

by this time it was well past 11 and most of the crowd had split off already. however my friend noticed a small group forming at the end of the street near the venue exits and so we went to investigate. all i heard was "bo en." and i KNEW. so we got in his makeshift m&g line and WE FINALLY MET BO EN!!!!!! he was the sweetest guy ever and his accent is so pretty. bo en is an ikemen irl like actually. after that a little further down the lot we could see there was a small crowd forming a little bit awayf rom the tour van and those ppl were waitng for kikuo. we decided "fuck it?" and waited for kikuo again. he was so funny bc we thought he had left since the venue was closing and staff was leaving but he popped out of the side and started waving for us and motioning for us to be quiet so im assuming he was trying to keep it on the DL. i had another matt card and he signed it (bo en signed as well) and he said "..is not me" it was so funny and cute 😭 and thus ended our 2 day long bo en kikuo lockdown. 

I MET BO EN AND KIKUO x3!!! THAT IS SO CRAZY TO ME I CANT BELIEVE IT. i needed an outlet to properly talk about everything i wanted to so this is so sick. this is going to be my new diary i think WHATEVER!

7 Kudos


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degen_aphrodite13's profile picture

S tier post. I was at the show in Arizona and i was fucking riding this weird high off of just being there. I only showed up for Kikuo tbh LOL. Bo en was really good too tho but I'd be lying if i didnt say i was only there to watch him play my time....... HE WAS REALLY FUNNY THO ILL GIVE HIM THAT. I was stressed the fuck out over the Kikuo merch though because i got the last of his merch which was a 2xl shirt LAWL. After the show he signed my shirt and my spunchbob wallet (1 OF 1 SPUNCHBOB X KIKUO WALLET) i also took a selfie with him. what a guy. i cant believe there was beef at a boen show... i never wouldve expected that, the crowd was really stinky but they didnt strike me as being the confrontational type.

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by degen_aphrodite13; ; Report

MAN THIS SHOW WAS CRAZY THO THERES SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO SAY. bo en was really funny too and he ran a pretty good show. montgomery bo en sang an acoustic version of winter valentine and man i need that shit so badly because it was so good!!!!! also their little fucking animations and videos were the best. 1000000000/10 concert i miss it so badly

by degen_aphrodite13; ; Report


ech0gek0's profile picture


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