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Category: Life

First Blog

Not really sure what to write, never done blogging before but gotta try everything at least once! So, I guess I'll share what I've recently done. I finally finished Sonic Prime and been working on my discord server a bit. Still learning how to create a server on there but I think it's coming along good so far. I've also been going out more instead of only leaving home for work. I've been going out every Monday morning for breakfast with coworkers. Which at first was really hard, I kept feeling sick to my stomach whenever they would ask for me to join them and would purposely hide away towards the end of my shift just so they wouldn't ask me but now that I've been going for about a month, I really start looking forward to the breakfast meet ups. But other than Monday breakfast I don't leave my house until it's time to work. I'm not really good at social ques and understanding what people say versus what they mean is hard on me. The people I usually hang out with is my younger brother, he's autistic. I think that Is everything I want to share on this blog for now.   

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