Cat Race War

helo. on this blog i wil philosophicatly ponder on the day to day life of what an average cat in the western world lives like, 🤔🤔🤔 i think 

it would be very fluffy, unless they are hairless . . then it would be oily 

to be fluffy or oily . which would society prefer to live as ? 😼

fluffy: warm , cuddly , more prone to physical affection (Head Pat and Belly Rub) 

oily: naked. scared. society afraid of what is different

i think if i were a cat (i am a Cat)  i woud prefer to be majestic FLUFFY breed like maine coon or pretty ragdoll kitty . oily is nice In Theory, u get to experience slip n slide ride every time u flop onto ur belly on the hard kitchen floor if u slide at the force of 50 newtons approximately , (is a lot for A Cat ) .  .  but On the Other paw, u r just a bit sticky init. imagine u liv in dusty house 😿then u woud eventualy accumulate ur own fur coat! mreow!! =(>x<)= not four me!! a bit sad. that they sufer because of high maintenance genetics . they ar minority too, Ha! who wud choose to be a minority on purpose ??? that is just masocatism. wanton suffering   . . u might as well choose to become a Mouse 🐭 *hisss*

meownyway, hav gon off topic. did not rely ponder on day to day lif activities of cat, just day to day sufferings and prejudice . . sorry, wil try to think harder next time 

Meow Out. 

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