Travis!?!'s profile picture

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Category: Games

Sally face headcannons!

[small tw: mentions ED/straving]


Sal has high functioning autism 

He loves rainy days and thunderstorms 

He would often let Larry and ash (and soda when she was born) put stickers and draw on his prosthetic 

His favorite food is Mac and cheese because that’s was the first thing his mom taught him to make

Math is actually his least favorite subject but he’s still really good at it 

Sals bisexual 

He wears skirts to school just to piss off teachers and homophobes 

Likes metal but listens to other genres too

Hates murder podcasts and will yell at ash if she puts one on


Has heterochromia but wears colored contact lenses because his dad forces him to. This also results in his swollen eye getting infected a lot

Travis actually love’s physically affection but doesn’t know how to show it

He has ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder)

Travis favorite color is purple because it was his moms favorite color and the sweater he wears is his moms

Likes the song “California dreamin” by “the mamas & the papas” because it was one of the few songs he was actually allowed to listen to due to it being “church related”

Pretends to hate when sal would wear skirts but actually loves it

Strongly dislikes Ashley even after him and sal became friends

Hes asexual due to trauma from stuff that’s happened at church 

Likes to cook but isn’t allowed to do it often 

Dislikes pizza because it “had to much flavor” and was only use to really bland things

(Ep 3 spoilers) he knew he was eating human meat but often just ate it because he was starved at home a lot and school lunch was the only time he could eat a “proper meal” later developing a eating disorder because of it

Use to be friends with maple until she stoped going to the church and Kenneth forced them to stop being friends 


Use to hardly wash his hair until sal found out and started making him have a hair routine

Feels bad whenever he would smoke or drink around sal because he didn’t want to get sal addicted (even if sal said it was ok)

Likes dogs but is allergic to them

Huge softy for animals 

Dislikes bunny’s because he’s scared he’ll hurt one again

Lake windigo is his favorite spot to smoke because he never get caught there


Loves murder podcasts and puts them on around sal just to tease him

Made little dudes of the whole group and gave it to them for Christmas 

Trans (mtf)

Tries to get sal to listen to her music taste (sometimes succeeding)

Likes to Braid sal and Larry’s hair

Does sals makeup a lot or just uses him as practice to get better

Is really competitive when playing games

[that’s the main ones I can think of right now but I’ll all a lot more later :3]

0 Kudos


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𝑜𝓀𝒶 𝑜𝒸𝒸𝓊𝓁𝓉 <3

𝑜𝓀𝒶 𝑜𝒸𝒸𝓊𝓁𝓉 <3's profile picture

Thsi is false

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These are headcannons and aren’t actually in the game they are mostly things that I think would fit the character

by Travis!?!; ; Report