aight I'm dropping the rawr speak. saw my girlfriend going full rawr speak on this platform and that genuinely almost pushed me over the edge.
I was suppossed to help my brother move today, but he did not get a hold of a truck so it'll have to wait till tomorrow, managed to go and workout instead. I needed to shit BIG TIME before walking on to the mat, and one kick from my partner almost made me shit my self... and that's after i already almost puked...
interesting day, tomorrow will probably be a long day, studying from early and then helping Nico move. managed to get the necessary assignments done! but i would like to study some just because, but that will have to be for another day
I go sleep
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lovely update once again, rip the rawr speak, i will miss it 3
did you end up shitting in the evening before bed or?
i think you told me, but where is nico moving to? will you be smoking after helping out?
no the shitting was during the work out, had to RUN home to not shit myself.
Nico is moving to hammarbysjöstad so a nice ass area!!!
i dont think we'll smoke:( them crack heads have probably already finnished their fivish lol
by Mali; ; Report
you couldn't shit in the gym bathroom?
RIGHT i'll be neighbors with him (hyper).
damn, heartbreaking that your own brother wouldn't even safe you some:(
by ratlover<3; ; Report
lmao noooooo, there is too much stress in the kick gym to shit.
yea, btch ass mf. nothing's safe;(
by Mali; ; Report