there's been an up+coming trend of labelling music by trans artists, especially trans women, as Strange and Alien- the weird-core aesthetic, basically. a few artists get labelled as such and passed around to have their discography gutted and all of the songs picked over and chosen for the weirdest beats and the weirdest lyrics and the Weirdest Meanings and its like. do you know what you are doing. hello.
i understand embracing being an Other of taking that alienation u get from cis ppl and turning it into smth More- i do that shit all the time !!!!! but theres a line crossed when u get cis ppl (CIS not cishet. lgb ppl are entirely capable of being transphobic and denying such is just willful blindness to the issues in ur own community lol) taking songs like sugar pool by mom and going "this is PERFECT for my weirdcore playlist with the likes of lemon demon and bo en. this fits perfectly here"
speaking of- devi mccallions stuff (has produced under the names mom, eat babies, yellow bile, girls rituals, and cats millionaire- one half of the duo black dresses) is an INCREDIBLE example of this sort of shit. her album "self-titled" under the name mom is incredibly prevalent in the weird-core circle (especially joyfulthought) when its like. you take a single moment to read the lyrics and think about the meaning and go oh! this is an incredibly personal album abt living as a mentally ill trans person! this is not a grouping of songs for me to pick through and choose the cutest to put on my little youtube mixtape !
(below is a screenshot of lyrics from "super deformed" of the same album.)
[image description: a screenshot of the first two verses to super deformed. they read as following, "
i'm sorry but this is called a shield
its a tool i use to mark the distance between us because i don't
know you
and so many times before even from the other injured parties
i've been stabbed and hit and clawed at because i don't know
its easy to when you close your mind off
to try and hurt and control other people
to get what you think what you want
without even realizing what you're doing
that other people are also people
and not dispensers or enablers
and it's not their obligation to please you at all"]
and theres like this weird juxtaposition between this sort of smoothing over of the reality of these songs being about PEOPLE and their experiences that should be taken seriously (BLACK DRESSES this was a serious serious issue with black dresses. their song "in my mouth" went trending on tiktok at one point and that was the start of ppl being just. straight up freaks to them constantly barraging the two w incredibly personal experiences of their own out of the belief they were like. relating 2 the artists while not considering their boundaries+the CONSTANT brainblasting of that from a huge fanbase) and a mockery of their craft (ik devi has turned off almost all her youtube comments bc of the constant barrage of comments on her voice, her music, the content, and like. just blatant disgusting transphobic shit). its either their songs are ugly gross awful mockeries of music and they don't know the firs thing about how to sing or their music is ~cryptic~ and totally aesthetic and ~~weird~~. their music is not allowed to just. be music.
examples of artists receiving such treatment not previously mentioned are lauren's bousfield (trans woman, has also released songs under the name "nero's day at disneyland- an INCREDIBLE artist, my introduction 2 noisepop lol) and the scary jokes (nonbinary, has a SICK lesbian concept album abt the romance between an entertainment journalist and a movie star). i do not have much of an actual point w this (LOL) i just realized this after Attempting 2 look more into the ""weird-core"" genre and it made me want to gnash my teeth and attack someone with a stick like. please just respect artists and their experiences and their music dont turn them into one dimensional ~weird~ or ~feral~ or whatever the fuck vibes when the songs in question are like. about abuse or mental illness or chronic illness you know ?
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