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Category: Life


I don't have much 2 do today bc i didn't go to school ( i slept in and my mom is on a work trip) (oops).oh yeah I finally got my hair cut!! i didnt end up getting highlights but i still love it tho! im still thinking abt dyeing a strand in the front of my hair tho..or maybe like a raccoon tail underneath the back of my hair. its hard to explain with words that make sense tbh but like yk what i mean probably. Ive been getting into new music recently too!! rn i really like the story so far and knocked loose! i really love the story so far rn my favorite song is glass :3 and knocked loose are having a concert in my city soon but i don't think im gonna go just bc like I'm a newer fan and also that kinda scene intimidates me lmaoo hopefully in the future i'll go to one of their shows. oh actually speaking of concerts im gonna be seeing FALL OUT BOY IN MARCH!!!!!!! i start like actually tweaking every time i remember that. I gotta make sure i know their whole discography or something before the concert bc it would be embarrassing to not know the songs they play obviously.

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