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Category: Music


im so in love with kyo. typing this at 9:23pm on a tuesday night makes me feel like a true social reject bangya (whats the male version of bangya, btw???). living out my teenage years to the fullest, im sure. 

well, i dont care. kyo is a beautiful, off-putting freak of nature and i fucking love him for it. i love, love, love his shocking onstage antics, with the blood and vomiting and stuff im sorry but i seriously love it (dont mean to sound like an edgy teen too much here HELLO), the dedication to his craft is insane. his fucked up ideas for songs and music videos has me enthralled every single time, and i find myself calming due to the chosen heavy stimulus. i also stim whenever they come up on my page or something x3 !!!

ALSO, the raw emotions in his performances. jeeeezus. his screams, groans, growls, and amazing yet not perfect singing.... gah!!! im in love. i love all his performances, 24 cylinders, any of them is really really good. kisou 5 day blitz day 1 was an amazing live. so was 5 ugly kingdom uwaaaaaah!!! (love doing that lmfao)  god, i love him. hes probably somewhat sick in the head. 

obviously i know basically everything he writes and does is for shock value. but its still gnarly. in a good way, but whatever. and oh god, what a gorgeous man he is. even without all the makeup. though i do prefer his earlier days (1995-2014 ish) i still love him today regardless, hes a genius and a pretty face. well, in some pictures, he looks like he'd mentally and physically abuse me...... but its acceptable, because its kyo, goddamnit! xP !! im in love with him!

is this pathetic? yes. is it lame? yes. am i ashamed? no. am i still posting this? on public? yes. yes i am. on a school night, at 9pm.

my lover-->kyo <3

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Noobsdone Needsnoob

Noobsdone Needsnoob's profile picture

who's kyo

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kyo is the vocalist of japanese visual kei band Dir En Grey. theyre a very cool band

by mail; ; Report