So as we all know Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance is married to Lyn-Z Way right? Well I’m gonna tell your something that most people probably haven’t thought of yet. So allegedly Gerard Way and Frank Iero of MCR were allegedly going out back in 2008 or earlier, now I know that some people are going to be like “ oh but it was just stage gay” or “ it was just anti homophobia” but what if it wasn’t? Just hear what I got to say. So I have done some research and people have said that when they met lyn-Z she was being rude and my mom who has also met her had said that she was being kinda rude and bitchy. Now a long the line of Frank Iero, I had heard some roumors stateing that 3 days before Gerard and lyn-z got married that Gerard and Frank had a little fight on stage and basically frank was going to go in and tackle Gerard like he usually does but then Gerard pushed him away got into it with him and stuff,ALSO there is video proof of this happening which I’ll link the video when I’m finished with this. Now back to what I was talking about, after the show, allegedly Ray Toro the main guitarist had told Frank that Gerard and Lyn-Z were getting married, and Frank allegedly started that he thought him and frank were more than just friends and apparently he was sobbing to. Now I can’t find anything with proof that this actually happened this is just something I found a couple of articles I was reading about this. So all of this lead me to believe that somethings off. With all the information that I have currently collected I have lead to believe that Lyn-Z may have forced Gerard to be in a relationship with her, now some of may be thinking well how? So here’s the thing they got married after knowing each other for only like 2 weeks and in my opinion that sounds off, like who gets married after only knowing each other for only that long? Now, Gerard in general is a pretty serious yet sensitive person and base off of Lyn-Z’s personality based off of what I have heard I think she might have manipulated him into the relationship,and obviously I don’t know what happens behind closed doors this is just based off of what I’ve heard. And to the person reading this, what do you think?
Link to fight:
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