Men are not smart. They don't know how women work.

In my adventures of trying to make money doing "scandalous" things on the internet, i have discovered men think pissing is squirting. I don't think some of them know the difference. I have not pissed or squirted on the internet, but i have seen posts on X of women "squirting" and it's literally just pissing. These stupid men think it is squirting and they say they love squirting. It's not and they don't realize they probably have a piss kink. 

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kmomila's profile picture

Before pointing out only men (I admit, they tend to be quite stupid hehe) I think this problem comes from the little that is currently talked about about female anatomy, as a woman I find it somewhat depressing to have limited access to knowledge of my own organism.

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While I agree with you, these men are on the internet looking for sexual things and porn. These men looking for these things on the internet should know the difference because they are looking for this type of content. Like I said, I do agree with you that the education on the female anatomy should be better. I would love for there to be more easily accessible resources and better education required in schools.

by GoddessRhiannon; ; Report