sometimes i run

hello friends! Carolina is here. 

so I met this guy, I will call him "Craig Manning" (yes, like degrassi's character). He's cute, so sweet and I love our friendship. We have something... he's my crush and I'm his crush. 

Last Saturday he asked if i want to be his girlfriend. I was surprised so I can't gave an answer to him. I just said "let me think about it...". 

As I said before... I like him and he's so sweet with me. He really loves me and his feelings are real. But... I don't know. I've never been on this situation before. I never been in love and I don't know to react about this moment in my life. I don't want to lose him or lose this experience. But the way he loves me makes me feel... uncomfortable?) 

My friends and my sisters said to me that i'm being childish. And probably I am but they don't understand how I feel. 

"Sometimes" by Britney is my mood. 

what do you think I should do?

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