HEYY!! i’ve seen a ton of these (mainly vids on yt) so I thought i’d put my own spin on it and put my advice out there! now im in no means a professional, but i have had A LOT of experience with building my own style and i love fashion and just talking about this stuff so i thought i might as well put it on the internet :) hope u enjoy!

STEP 1: finding your style

obviously, you’re gonna want 2 find out what kind of clothes you want before you buy them. you can do this by looking at Pinterest, magazines, inspo-boards, style icons, etc! i recommend looking at this blog, its suuuper helpful and cute and actually kinda inspired this blog entry!

STEP 2: out with the old, in with the new

as someone who hoards EVERYTHING, i know this is the part nobody likes. trust me tho, once u get rid of all those old dusty clothes, it’ll feel so worth it! what helped me the most when choosing what to through out was asking myself two questions. “have i worn this sorta often in the past few months?” “if i saw this in a store now and left without it, would i be rlly disappointed?” if the answer to either of those is no, throw it out. no ifs or buts, just put it in the bag.

now there’s two ways you can go about this. number 1, you can just throw everything into as many bags as it takes and ship it off to your local thrift store or to people in need. numbe2, you can categorize them. put anything that is in bad condition, bad quality, or is just plain ugly into one bag. then, we’ll put anything that’s good condition and/or cute into another bag, and we’re gonna sell everything in there! 

i’m including this because I know a lot of people don’t have the money to just go out and buy a shit ton of brand new clothes, so selling the ones u don’t wear can be a great way to get that money ^_^ you can sell at in-person places or online, either is okay. i know there’s a lot of mixed reviews about this, but my personal fav place 2 sell is depop! its easy to use and the main place i’ve actually gotten sales on. if that isn’t ur thing, there’s tons of other places! some include fb marketplace, mercari, postmark, and more!

STEP 3: what will define YOUR wardrobe? 

so you’ve already established your style, but now we need to figure out what you’ll actually wear. think back on the old stuff u have bought - what rotted in the back of ur closet, and what did you find yourself actually reaching 4 often? im talking colors, materials, lengths/fits, cuts, designs, etc. if you never wore any of your orange clothes, then obviously we’re not gonna buy orange right? figure out what you like, will actually wear, and what genuinely looks good on you! i’d recommend getting a couple of (preferably fashionable and honest) peoples opinions on what you look good on, since we tend to criticize ourselves and sometimes end up thinking we don’t look good in anything! 

next, make a wishlist of some sorts of what you actually want to have in your wardrobe. start of by putting anything you like on it, and then sorting through it later to see if you still want it or need it! i’d recommend getting some basics(long + short sleeves, basic pants, skirts if ur more fem) in colors that fit ur aesthetic, and then getting some staple pieces. 


like i said earlier, i am definitely not a professional and am just speaking from personal experience on what helped me. if this is something that’s important to you, then i suggest doing more research! tarayummy has a great vid on it (tho i might be biased cuz i love tara.) also, building your wardrobe takes time and is not a quick process, so its okay if it takes a bit for you to start wearing what u want. i hope u all have a wonderful week, and i love u guys!1! 🫶

2 Kudos


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