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Category: Blogging

ranting about people I don't like

I literally don't understand how/why people hate others for the soul purpose of being different. Like.. why are YOU mad that someone is darker skinned than you..? Why are YOU mad that you don't find me attractive..? Why are YOUUUU mad 2 boys are holding hands in a park..? It genuinely doesn't make sense to me because again, WHY ARE YOUUUU MAD THAT I WEAR BLACK CLOTHES??!?! People are such haters for noooo reason. LITERALLY WHY ARE YOU MAD THAT I AM MORE KNOWLEDGABLE?? At that point they are just jealous.🤷 You have no reason to hate me just because my hair is red. People hate trans people sooo much it makes no sense. You are hating on a group of people because your "religion" says so..? Half the people that say that don't listen to other rules their religions say?? Christians aren't supposed to wear clothes of mixed fibers yet they do it anyway.. And if you just don't understand certain things, ASK. EDUCATE YOURSELF. ASK QUESTIONS AND LEARRNNNNNN. People always talk about things they don't even understand or bother to look up. People always say stuff like "therians think they are animals and they want to f*** animals" "furries think they are animals and use litter boxes in schools" "gay and trans people are trying to influence our children" "drag queens are child predators" Now if you took even 2 minutes to look up those things you would KNOW absolutely none of that is true. And don't get me started on racists. WHY ARE YOU MAD PEOPLE HAVE DARK SKIN. IT MKAES NO SENSE TO ME???? literally I don't get it at all. People who are ableist? WHY ARE YOU MAD SOMEONE LEARNS IN SCHOOL DIFFERENTLY?? WHY ARE YOUUU MAD SOMEONE IS IN A WHEELCHAIR???? SOMEONE IS DEAF? WHY DOES IT BOTHER YOUUUU. agh I just hate stupid people they make no sense. 

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~RayRay~<3's profile picture

this is so real! like people are so mean for no reason. im only mean when i need to but these kids and grown adults are wild!!

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SL★TH_J∅SH's profile picture

To be fair hate and just general idiocy is human nature. We js gotta be better than that

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