Starting my Japanese learning journey. (JP Blog #1)

JP Blog #1

Heyo! I'm making this for a couple reasons:

  • To keep my learning documented for future me to learn back on
  • To keep me accountable and keep my learning consistent
  • And just for the hell of it! Blogs are fun.

So first, how is my journey starting so far?

Well, I've been learning Japanese very on and off for a couple years now, so I've known ひらがな and カタカナ (kinda, katakana sucks) for a while now, but just 3 days ago I've started my long and dedicated journey to learning 漢字. Kanji is easily going to be the most difficult part of this journey, as even the grammar of Japanese that typically confuses people has come somewhat easily to me. (Like the difference between は and が.) Though that's in no small part to Tokini Andy and his series going through the Genki textbooks on his youtube channel. (You can find that series here.)

Anyway, that little side tangent over, I've been learning Kanji with Anki and the RRTK deck, which has been going pretty well so far. I've been doing 15 new cards per day so it's going to take a good chunk of time as I continue getting more cards, but it hasn't been too hard at all.

Soooo... can you speak it?

Kinda, I know a few greetings and phrases, and my, albeit limited, vocabulary allows me to make some simple sentences describing things, saying where things are, etc. I'd say my pronunciation is pretty good, but I haven't studied pitch accent and I don't plan to until I can communicate properly in Japanese as it's more crucial to be able to hold up conversation than to be able to tell the difference between 雨 (あめ) and 飴 (あめ) without context. Since Japanese is a very context heavy language, the homonyms in the language aren't as big of an issue as some people will perceive them when they hear that "Oh! Did you know that rain and candy are pronounced the same in Japanese??" Without knowing the intricacies of pitch accent and obviously the fact you would never say those words randomly without any context. For example, a kid wouldn't walk into a candy store and yell 「雨!」(To be clear that is the kanji for rain, not candy.)

Okay, another side tangent finished, and this is the end of my first Japanese learning blog. Thank you, whomever you are, for reading this far. I will now go to bed as it's 6am, またね!

2 Kudos


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Hi! I've also started learning japanese recently! I just searched 'japanese' in blog posts wondering if there was anyone else at a similar point as me and found your post. How have you been doing the last weeks since you posted this? I'm having trouble keeping myself accountable to practice every day, but for the last 3 weeks I've been doing pretty well (although I don't always add a lot of new material every day- a few times per week, I've been sort of stalled but at least i'm practicing some flashcard every day so I don't get too behind/overwhelmed, which I think is a really problem for keeping up progress).

I was wondering what other kinds of materials do you use? I work a lot so I've downloaded pre-made JLPT N5 sets that I'm trying to get through, just to have a vocab base to work with. How is the kanji Anki deck working for you?

Anyway best of luck!

(thanks for including that youtube link btw i'm gonna check out that channel).

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