eye am a DID system , with mixed trauamgenic origins . eye have been plural for as long as eye can possibly remember , and because of that eye have had quite a while to think about and ponder meye functionings as a system .
of course , now , there as hundreds of words and terms eye can use to define and describe meye experiences . which eye find wonderful , as it is nice to know that there are other plurals out there with experiences somewhat similar to meyen ! but eye like to try and describe meyeself and meye experiences with meye own words , as eye find it to be a personal challenge and journey . and eye've decided to share it with you guys .
first things first
so let me first disclaim that there are a lot of factors that affect and define meye plurality in different ways . religious practices , racial experiences , queer experiences , neurodivergency , being disabled , psychosis , trauma , and more .
these things are all important to meye plurality , but affect it and show up in different ways .
obviously , being a DID system , meye alters are an important part of meye existence as a system . and its very unique to me how meye alters work and exist and function in meye system . it is important to not there are multiple kinds of alters in meye system and how they work is dependent almost entirely on the alter themselves
one of the most common kinds of alters you will find in meye system is introjects , or alters with sources / alters who are based on things outside of meye system . this is mainly because of the fact of meye shaky and unsure sense of identity , and need to get / take an identity from something else . introjects are just as real as any other person in the world , as are their wants , needs , desires and dreams .
meye introjects will not always act exactly like their sources , because the truth is sometimes fragments , or not fully formed alters in meye system , will look at sources and go “ i like them ! i want to be like them ! “ and that’s just that . they may take on their personality , may take on their looks , may take on their memories . may take on nothing else other than association or name . it depends on the introject .
now another common type of introject in meye system is introjects with more than one source . depending on the number of sources this introject has depends on the new label they often use . those with just two or three sources will often be called mixtives . while those with more will be often called splitrojects or amalgams . these are just as common as single source introjects in meye system , as taking on multiple identities is pretty much what eye do here pfft.
alters with no source at all , often called brainmades or entomates , are not as common in meye system . eye have a small group of brainmades in meye system , and even then , most of them have some kind of history / some kind of memories of a past life before entering the system .
past lives are an extremely important belief in meye system , as meye entire system believes in it. despite the fact that eye am questioning what religion eye may want to practice and follow , eye am positive it will be one with the belief of past lives .
daydreaming is another important function in meye system . eye daydream a lot , and do have maladaptive tendencies regarding it unfortunately . but those tendencies are not what affect meye system , what affects meye system are often the worlds and characters eye create in meye daydreams . meye paracosms and paras heavily influence meye system in multiple different ways . meye alters can interact with meye paras and paracosms like they would with other alters and the innerworld , but it is inherently different to interact with daydreams than it is to interact with meye innerworld .
one more recent function that has been discovered through a sort of trial and error period is the existence of what eye like to call cycle alters . cycles are alters that have memories and sometimes take on the identities of alters that have existed in the past but do not anymore for whatever reason . the most common reason being a system collapse or dissapation .
so that brings me to meye next topic !
to start off eye need to define what a system collapse is for me personally. a system collapse is when either meye entire or a very large portion of meye alters and the entirety of meye innerworld is wiped away . disappeared without much of a trace unless there are survivors . many critics say this is just not possible , especially in DID traumagenic systems like meyeself , but eye need you to understand the reason this happens to me is BECAUSE of trauma . BECAUSE of a traumatic event or trauma response . granted this is not the case for everyone who experiences system collapses , and that is completely valid ! but for me , it is not fun , it is not enjoyable , and eye would not wish it on anyone .
which leads me to meye next point , alternations and revisions . now for me , this means that memories of past lives and canons of introjects and brainmades alike get “ edited “ in a sense . often times for their own safety , like dropping trauamtic timelines for the betterment of their existence and their ability to heal . but sometimes this also means that some people pick up new timelines and canons . sometimes voluntarily , sometimes involuntarily . the main point is that their identity and memories are “ edited “ in some way , leaving them as an alter changed .
now another important thing to acknowledge when talking about meye plurality and meye system is that eye have a lot of alters . like a LOT a lot of alters . eye do not have to tell you how many exactly , as you are not owed that information ( and honestly eyem unsure how many exactly meyeself ) but just know that any normal singlet would probably be severely overwhelmed by suddenly having the amount of alters that eye have . now eye have this many alters because eye have an issue of meye brain needing to fill in space . and it does this by filling itself with fragments , which are basically unfinished alters . and when these fragments grab onto identities or “ fill in “ then it appears as if eye am getting alters very quickly when in reality their bones have been here for a long while already .
adding on to that , a lot of fragments are created with the purpose of holding something in specific . like a memory , a symptom , an emotion , etc . and when they fill in , they still hold that thing . leading to almost every alter in meye system being a holder of some kind . so eye call meyeself a holder system .
one last thing to bring to the table regarding functioning in meye system right now is the importance of system travel to me . now eye don’t mean traveling from one part of the system to the other , eye mean an alter leaving the system to travel somewhere else . this is important to me because of meye spiritual beliefs and practices , and helps me further understand where eye stand in the universe and where things are in the grand scheme of things . sometimes , when another system has consented , meye alters will travel to their system to visit for a while , or maybe the reverse with their alters coming to meye system for a visit . it all depends on the intent of travel !
eye intend to expand on this topic in particular in a later post , so if you have questions , please feel free to ask them so eye can answer them in the next post !
now , talking about fronting and alters while they are controlling the body , the first thing you need to understand is that all of us are different in our own special ways , and that is sometimes shown depending on who is fronting and who eye am around .
when eye switch and another alter takes control , it feels as though one person is leaving the body and another is taking control . eye know some systems may experience their switching as “ becoming “ another alter , but it’s not like that for eye . though eye do find that concept interesting !
meye memories and knowledge of skills and people around me are managed between alters by alters with higher authority , such as memory managers and gatekeepers . for the most part though , there is a sort of “ pool “ in the fronting room that fronters may access and sort through , that is full of the most recent memories the last fronter made , so the new fronter has an idea of what to do next .
for the most part , and for meye own safety , eye am a covert system . meaning meye switches and differences between alters are not that obvious . eye do this on purpose , as eye am not in a safe environment where eye would be able to be overt .
meye innerworld is extremely intricate , detailed , complex , and large in size . though eye think it’s obvious it has to be considering how many alters it has to house and provide for .
one of the many functions in this innerworld is the ability to have multiple timelines and universes of the same area / space at one time . this is because different alters perceive the innerworld differently , and these differences affect the innerworld on a cosmic scale .
another interesting thing about meye innerworld is its ability to store and house things that are not entirely physical or capable of storage . such as genders , orientations , kin sources , names , pronouns , other identities , memories , and so on . its extremely useful to have a sort of physical storage for these kinds of things , due to the fact that meye general memory is very foggy and eye am prone to forgetting things even if they are important to me . so to have these physical storage posts of things important to me eye can have higher authority alters retrieve them whenever they are needed .
meye ability to see into meye innerworld is highly dependent on meye alters individual moods , energy , and connection with the innerworld in general . take meye host dollace for example . shi has been here for quite a while and has an established place in the innerworld , as well as a good connection to the fronting room . so whenever shi is fronting and wants to look into the innerworld it is fairly easy for hir to do so . however take a newer alter for example , who just arrived . they may not know the inner very well and not be very well connected to the front room or the alters around them , so looking into the inner may be much harder for them .
because meye inner is so big and intricate , it has a lot of space that meye alters do not always take up . and because of this , the brain puts something eye like to call NPCs into the inner to fill up space . these NPC are able to be interacted with and hold friendly relationships with meye alters , they are just not alters themselves and do not hold any importance to the system .
now , inside meye system eye have a sort of hierarchy , where some alters are higher on the caste and hold more importance in decision making and such than others . this is for meye own organization and functioning . not all systems do this or need to do this , but eye find it useful , so eye do this !
wrapping it up
for now , this is all eye have to say about meye system and its inner workings . eye love talking about it discussing differences with other systems , as it is very interesting to me how the same organ can produce such different lifestyles , decisions and functions .
if you would like to hear more about this , please leave kudos or a comment ! eye would love to talk about it more :D
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