American Psycho: Moments that gives you a reason for read the book // Patrick Bateman looks less cool without Christian Bale's face

I know this should be in the books section, but I'M THE HERO THAT GOTHAM DESERVES BUT NOT THE ONE THAT GOTHAM NEEDS NOW.

Look. I'm bored and I have to end the trilogy of Nolan's Batman, so I can't write about that, and I can't write about "Trainspotting" either because I would like to watch the movie again. The same with "12 Angry Man".
Soooo here I am, enjoyning of making fun of this little yuppie with a nice tan. This time, we will get into the original material, which is basically the same that the movie, because Mary Harron made an amazing job at the point that whenever I read something in the book, I can't help but imagine the visuals and actors from the movie, basically because they're perfect in every sense possible.

Daddy Wikipedia said: American Psycho is a novel by American writer Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1991. The story is told in the first-person by Patrick Bateman, a wealthy, narcissistic, vain Manhattan investment banker who supposedly lives a double life as a serial killer. Alison Kelly of The Observer notes that while "some countries deem it so potentially disturbing that it can only be sold shrink-wrapped", "critics rave about it" and "academics revel in its transgressive and postmodern qualities".

I guess we already knew that, and yeah, if you didn't know it, this book has been actually quite discriminated for being too violent and stuff, almost like the movie, that was considered like "too much" for some people. Honestly, maybe I give two shits about other's life, but for me the murders are what I was waiting, there are obviously a few that they didn't make in the movie because... well.. one reminds me too much to Jesus // internal joke ;) // In certain chapter Patrick admits had vi*lated someone with drugs in a party in a yacht or something, but it's not surprising in the slightest, and it's quite bizarre how he just remembers this because he basically sees the girl in a bar (probably Nell's or Tunnel). 

But this Patrick is bizarre 24/7 and I completely agree with Christian Bale when he said that this guy was an alien. In a chapter he meets with an old ex-girlfriend, that's almost married with a guy that it's the chef of Dorsia, and he arrives with a poem, right? yes a f*cking poem, don't ask why, he just did that. The thing is when he starts to read the f*cking poeeem!!!! Which I will f*cking quote!!! I will quote the whole dialogue!!!

–It's like a haiku, you know? -I say-. Read It, come on.

She clears his voice and begins to read hesitantly, slowly, stopping frequently.

–"The poor black man on the wall. Look at him.” –She pauses and blinks again, then continues, hesitantly: «Look at the poor black man. Look at the poor black... on... the... wall. –She's interrupted again, sltuttering, she looks at me confused, then looks back at the paper.

-Go on.-I say, looking for a waiter with my eyes.-Get it done. 

She clears his voice and, staring at the paper, tries to read what is left in a voice that is less than a whisper: –"Hit him in the ass... Hit the ass of the black man on the wall..." –She babbles again, then reads the last sentence, sighing: "The black man... is... weak."

The couple at the next table has slowly turned to look at us. The man seems horrified, the woman also has a horrified expression on her face. I stare at her until she looks down at his fucking salad.

F*CKING WEIRDOOOOOoo, spoiler, this is the Jesus girl that I talked about. She ends in a quite awful way. 

And did we all hear him talking about a guy's ass?, well, that's nothing compared to him getting a boner after stare for too long at the singer of U2. Yeah, he went to a U2 concert and after that the singer and him crossed gazes for a couple of seconds, while the singer was saying some deep lyrics about not having control and being a monster, when this "magic moment" ends (Patrick describes it as a fucking disney movie) Patrick looks down and has to cross his legs because he simply got hard-on :) , and I won't bother to mention when we discover that Patrick has certain.. sensitive point that turns him on (it starts with a) ... I can't believe some people keep saying that this guy is straight, damn it... 

He's actually dramatic most of the time... in a chapter he's doing pee and he's just sad thinking that if he magically got very very little, almost at a particular point, and he dissapeared walking away in that small size, he says that nobody would care, that nobody would notice it. And there's also a part when he's laying on bed and hugging a pillow while Evelyn and Bryce are flirting in the bathroom in front of him, with Bryce caressing Evelyn's body in a not very "friendly" and "joking" way. I mean, imagine Christian Bale hugging a pillow while looking at the other two basically kissing in front of him. That's sad. He's a killer and a f*cking insane and weird person, but he's also a dumb and sad guy. As I said in my other blog about this little p*ssy, this whole thing is about an empty soul, but in the book, he's even dumber and weird. 

So please, do as me and Christian Bale and read the book. Yeah, Christian Bale likes the book and sometimes reads it just for fun.

Goodbye, I'll watch The Dark Knight Rises... read the book.

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