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Category: Life


Alguno se ha llegado a sentir abandonado o solo? Es raro decirlo, pero cuando me siento mas sola es cuando juego alguna estupidez como; Minecraft, COD, Roblox o cualquier otra cosa donde puedes jugar con amigos. 

En momentos como esos sueles extrañar a ciertas personas que probablemente ya no estan en tu vida, esas personas que dejas ir porque en algun punto su relacion no era la adecuada o simplemente dejaron de hablar porque las cosas ya no eran como antes, simplemennte por sircunstancias de la vida. Son personas que probablemente no podras olvidar y siempre las tendras en tu corazon.

Para esas personas eras todo lo que nunca creiste ser y para ti ellos eran un pilar en tu vida, el mas importante que pudiste tener y aunque las cosas pudieran ir mal, te trataba fatal o ya no se sentia lo mismo... Siempre los quisiste y crees que nunca los dejaras de querer.

Ahora hay nuevas personas en tu vida y es momento de aprender a dejar ir, ellos ahora son tus nuevos compañeros con los cuales seguramente crearas lindos recuerdos. 

Has anyone felt abandoned or alone? It's weird to say it, but when I feel most alone is when I play something stupid like; Minecraft, COD, Roblox or anything else where you can play with friends.

In moments like these you usually miss certain people who are probably no longer in your life, those people who you let go because at some point their relationship was not the right one or they simply stopped talking because things were no longer the same as before, simply due to certain circumstances. of the life. They are people you probably won't be able to forget and you will always have them in your heart.

For those people you were everything you never thought you were and for you they were a pillar in your life, the most important thing you could have and even if things could go wrong, they treated you terribly or it no longer felt the same... They always you loved them and you believe that you will never stop loving them.

Now there are new people in your life and it is time to learn to let go, they are now your new companions with whom you will surely create beautiful memories.

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