In total there’s probably 10-12 Y2k/2000’s brands I liveeee for but If I had to narrow it down, my TOP two would beee Victoria Secret && drummm roll pleaseee🥁🥁🥁 JUICY COUTUREEE!! Victoria Secret was infamous for their fold over yoga pants, tracksuits, sequins jackets, purses, perfume etc! Juicy Couture was suchh a staple brand in the 2000’s even nowww buttt who are we kidding VINTAGE couture is everything && more! The purses, The tracksuits, The skirt sets, the graphic tops, shoes, perfume && don’t even get me started on the jewelry!😍😍😍😍
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i am so obsessed w juicy and victoria secret. especially the pink foldover leggings. i want a pair sooo bad but they're being resold for so much