pythagoricphallus 's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

hi there

i've just created my profile here and im uncertain of what shall be its premisse.

i have a hard time writing my thoughts somewhere and keeping them for more than a couple of minutes, if its physical ill just erase it, and if its digital ill try to delete it asap...

since there has been quite some time that i have the urge to make a blog of some sorts, i've decided that this should be the adequate platform, not so many active and downright creepy users like twitter and still has a dedicated community.

ill try my best to resist from the urge to delete all of my posts

anyway, if theres a single soul reading this, dont forget to say hi!

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RIKA's profile picture

HIHI hope you are able to continue this blog and have an healthy outlet for your emotions

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tysm! ;)

by pythagoricphallus; ; Report