komori 🌸's profile picture

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Category: Friends

searching 4 friends :D

i rlly want to use this site for more than just a diary :'D 

if anyone wants to add me feel free to do so !!! keep in mind that im 20 tho so i would really like to meet ppl +17 yr old ^_^

i speek english, spanish and im learning portuguese !!!

btw it doesnt matter that we dont share a lot of interest too im always searching for more things to discover !!!!

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Monica's profile picture

hi there! how are you? :)

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hellooo :DD im fine hbu?? :3 also i LOVE ur layouttt

by komori 🌸; ; Report

I'm doing great, thanks! I'm happy to hear that you feel good. How will you spend your sunday?
ohh, thank you very much! you are really kind.
Alsooo I recently started playing Stardew Valley, do you have any advice for me? ^^

by Monica; ; Report

glad to know ur okay :3 honestly sundays are the most boring days of my weeks lol ill just go outside to have lunch w my dad and then watch anime all day
OH well if u like mods i would highly recommend installing mods like NPC map locations since its SO helpful, also a mod for easy fishing since for me its sooo hard to fish lol
but if u like vanilla stardew then ill recommend to always keep on check the time u hav since the night cames so quickly and u can lose ur stuff and money if u pass out

by komori 🌸; ; Report

thanks so much for the advice! There are so many things I need to find out. as soon as I get the hang of it maybe we could play together if you like :D
a delicious lunch and watching anime sound like great plan to me! I also will be at home relaxing today.
What anime are you following lately?

by Monica; ; Report

omg yes ive never played stardew multiplayer it surely must be an experience lol :D
im rewatching shingeki no kyojin, i didnt watch the end when it came out and i alr forgot the plot lol so im watching it w my mom :3 did u watch anime recently??

by komori 🌸; ; Report

I finished watching Peach girl and now I'm watching Kamisama kiss and Skip a beat. I love Attack on Titans!

by Monica; ; Report