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This is just some crazy drama that happened to me this weekend. So basically this story involves my friend Gretchen's ex we'er calling F and this guy from my school we're calling J. Gretchen and F dated and F was just awful cheating, not wanting us to hang out, the works so they broke up. I hadn't thought about F in a while when J said in some group chat that he was talking to this girl and he said I hated her so I obviously asked who and he said F. I was a little annoyed because F is a trans guy and just because I don't like him doesn't mean I think anyone should be miss gendering him. I broke no contact with F to tell him to avoid J because I thought they were talking. F cleared it up saying he hated J and thought he was weird because he was sending him shirtless pics and F didn't want them, they just do a sport together. 

Gretchen and I started talking up a storm in this group chat, Gretchen told J he'd dated F and then told J everything F had done while they dated. We added F to this group chat but he'd blocked J so he had to unblock him. Nothing much happened for a minuet besides J throwing a temper tantrum over F not liking him. But then this random 18 year old in a group chat of like 13-15 year olds started getting mad at us? Then I found out J had been calling F pretty and beautiful like all the time even when f said it was making him uncomfortable. 

Now just some stuff about F and J individually (not this weekend). I went to a summer camp with J and Gretchen once the entire time he wouldn't call Gretchen, Gretchen, only referring to her as my "slightly hotter friend". He was constantly rude to me just the whole time randomly yelling about how I had never played DND with him even though he had never even asked me to play??? He threw water in this little kids face and told a room of 2nd graders about trying to attempt!?! Also one time when Gretchen and I were talking he just came up to us and said "if she's ugly hit her from the back" with no prompting. A while later in a group chat he said he would date someone with a 4 year age difference! and I think he was implying 4 years younger! he was like 14 or 15 when he said that!! He's brought knives to school and gotten suspended over it, he's a creep to women and so much more!

Back to F when he first came over to my house I got him a glass of water and he complained about it not coming from the kind of fancy filter his mom has. Then later when Gretchen and I were going to see FNAF he was going to come with us but got sick and couldn't come, he threw a hissy fit about us "hatting him"?? Also he constantly accused me of "trying to steal his girl" and didn't want Gretchen to hang out with me one on one. He would alway say I hated him, when I didn't and not want to hang out with me! So there was never a time he would really be ok with me seeing my best friend.Also he would slap Gretchen's butt in front of her parents and wouldn't stop when she asked. 

Then one day we 3 went out to a cabin for some holiday weekend. Before going I repeatedly told him to not curse and not be on his phone the whole time. Because my dad, who was taking us, hates cursing and we didn't have anywhere to charge our phones so we needed to save battery. However he completely disregarded this, cursing up a storm and was on his phone basically the entire time! One day we were going for a hike and he was explicitly told to pack himself a lunch, he didn't so I grabbed something for him, when we got to where we were hiking to I gave him what I grabbed and he complained about it? During this trip it was the end of salmon spawning season so dead fish on the ground everywhere and despite me telling him it make me super uncomfortable he would pick the dead ones up or mess with the almost dead ones. Once we found a dying mouse and I told him not to touch it and that he was making he feel uncomfortable but later told Gretchen he was mad at me for telling to not curse so he did it anyways and the mouse died in his hands. BTW we didn't have running water so he didn't have a way to properly was his hands. 

Now onto the big thing from this trip, it has some nuance so it might not make too much sense and I'm sorry for that. But basically F started having trouble breathing apparently, he had taken way too many puffs on his inhaler but he wouldn't admit it and demanded we call a helicopter to get him airlifted out, it was hours away from a hospital. But he kept talking about how he would take photos of himself in a helicopter as if that would be a "fun" thing. I don't want to say he was faking it however... when we were closer to my parents his symptoms would be be so much worse but when they weren't looking he was laughing and breathing fine. So that's the drama

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Gretchen's profile picture

This actually happened guys this is real I was gretchen

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