Basically I just ruined my entire profile :DD

I am absolutley not good at coding, and I tried to change the color on one little text. EVERYTHING DISSAPEARED.

the code and all is still there, but my profile is back to nothing. idk what i did wrong  T-T (i probably did everything wrong)

I know that im pretty inactive here and people don't stalk me much, but if someone sees this please HELP!!

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notahollabackgurl's profile picture

the same thing happened 2 me when i tried changing the font of 1 header but as u can see i managed 2 fix it

1st id try 2 get rid of the new code u put 4 changing the color on ur text.
copy ur entire abt me section (or wherever u keep ur layout code) then delete it and save ur profile then go back 2 edit ur profile and paste ur code back into ur abt me section then save it and see if it worked

if that didnt work sometimes u can mess 1 thing up and it impacts another totally different piece of code but clearly its impacting ur abt me section so try deleting (remember 2 copy it b4 u delete it and save it somewhere) some additional code u hav that ISNT important to ur layout in ur abt me section only (or wherever u keep your layout) :) hope it works! best of luck!!

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thank you so much!! It did not help:(( but i will remeber this for further problems ♡

by Grandman_t; ; Report