Sycamore Rhodes was born to a single father named Serif. He had been working on a way to asexually produce a child, as he had wanted a child but not a partner. The thought of a partner like that did not interest him at all.

And so there shi was, a little babybones that looked so unique and wonderful he was overjoyed. He had showed all his friends, all his collegues, everyone who would look his little munchkin. His little bundle of joy. They were all happy for him, as Serif had been a rather solitude man and Sycamore was a wonderful addition to his life.

when serif had shown his good friend gaster his beloved bundle of joy, gaster had laughed estatially and revealed he too had created two of his own children in a similar way. he said he hoped they would be friend. serif said he knew they would be.

sans, sycamore, and papyrus had grown up together like that. even after their fathers had mysteriously disappeared, they never split up. sans had insisted that he take care of mora, that it's " what their fathers would have wanted ".

so shi let him. he was practically hir big brother anyway.

when shi was old enough though, mora started to explore more in one of hir favourite subjects; dance.

fae loved to dance, fae loved to put on dresses and twirl to faer heart's content. and when sans had gotten faer old ballerina tapes from the dumps, fae watched it every day just so fae could move like those beautiful dancers could.

fae became a professional dancer in time, the only professional ballerina in the underground. right up there with mettaton. but while mettaton wanted lights and fame and money, mora just wanted to stay at home and make sure sans and papyrus were ok.

it was a regular work night, shi had just finished a recital, when shi had been heading out the back door. shi had no idea how many there were, but shi knew there were at least five, and they didn't care who shi was or what shi could do because the second they slapped those magic suppressant cuffs on hir shi was helpless. shi couldn't fight, shi couldn't do anything.

shi didn't tell sans or payprus about it for months. it took a horrible night terror for hir to finally admit it .

they were furious for hir.


it had been a complete accident that mora had wandered into one of ink's portals. ink had been checking in on the au as they'd never seen anything like it before, and had forgotten to close their portal when they left again. mora had thought it just another puddle, and jumped right in.

ink had been so surprised by their arrival since they hadn't had a mishap like this in ages. but they had allowed faer to stay, as it wasn't faer fault they weren't paying attention.

next time though, mora waited for ink. fae'd learned their visit schedule, and fae wanted to show sans and papyrus this mysterious all knowing stranger who fae'd met. And when they showed up, sure enough, the two were fascinated. sans most of all, considering the other skeleton looked like him with slight adjustments.

ink explained the multiverse and the different AUs to the group, as they felt that they had earned it. they explained that only a select few of aus actually knew they were aus, and even less knew about the existence of the multiverse. and those that did had pretty much been split into factions. the good, the bad, and the indifferent.

mora didn't like this black and white thinking regarding the factions, but understood why some people would find comfort in it. so shi said nothing of it.

after that interaction though, ink had gifted each of them special bracelets that allowed them to contact them if ever they wanted to travel outside of their universe. and thus started a plethora of uniquie relationships.


when fae had first encountered them, fae had been so caught of guard fae'd nearly been killed. fae met dust first. fae could never forget that. his swinging knife and cacophonous laughter. fae thought it was a bad dream. but there he was, standing across from faen, staring at faen with an overly interested expression. he hadn't gotten new visitors in a long time, so he was intrigued. so he let fae live, and introduced himself.

  • dust was planning on taking mora to nightmare. because of the opportunity of not only new blood, but naivety, dust planned to take advantage of that. he wanted to take hir to nightmare the moment snarl learned of hir existence, but snarl had restraint, waiting until shi discovered snarl's au all on hir own.

upon meeting nightmare, mora was afraid, of course. but over time, and over careful manipulation, shi grew to trust him. shi was introduced to the others on nightmare's "team", and showed them such kindness and compassion that they had never felt before that they had become addicted to hir.

nightmare was simply amused at the fact that one little weakling could have his team up in knots so quickly and efficiently, and decided to keep hir around .

And if there was one thing being around them taught faer, it was how to fight. before, because of the pacifistic nature of faer au and the lack of people who believed in faen, fae had never learned how to properly fight or use faer powers .

  •  Nightmare had quickly realized how useful sycamore was to have around. even aside from keeping his team in line, shi had incredible powers and skills that had been extremely underutilized and thrown to the dust. and he intended to remedy that mistake. even if it was for his own selfish purposes.

The group had been the one to show mora the way fae could use tarot cards to filter faer abilities through, and had been understanding and even excited when fae had bloodlust episodes.

so they trained and trained, sharpening faer abilities and teaching faer how to fight and *win*. and along the way, things began to soften between them all. not that they noticed, what with their addiction to mora blinding them all so effectively they could tell no different.

but nightmare noticed. with the least amount of attachment to hir, he noticed right away when he started being nicer to hir, telling hir stories, patching hir up after training, and sitting together to read on the couch.

he noticed, and for once in his miserable life, he couldn't bring himself to mind. they'd spent so long without something good, he thought he and his team deserved it.


so they continued like that. sycamore giving them all love and support and care and comfort, and them all protecting faer with their lives. they couldn't tell what it was exactly that they were feeling towards faer, as none of them had experienced feelings like this either ever or not in a very long time.

all they knew was they would protect hir, shi was theirs, and they were the only ones allowed to see hir like they did.

when mora told sans and papyrus about it, and how happy shi felt with them, they were happy for hir. but they were also concerned. they'd heared lots of things about the famed "bad sanses", and they didn't want hir to get hurt. they expressed their concerns to hir, and shi reassured them shi would come right back if anything started to become too much for hir.

not that shit was worried about that. shi was sure shi would never let this feeling go. it was such a high and a rush shi was sure shi was floating forever. shi didn't know exactly how the others felt about hir, but shi knew that they cared for hir, and that they would do so much for hir, and that's all that mattered to hir.

  • none of these guys have had healthy relationships like this before. yes mora has had a healthy relationship with sans and papyrus, but those two are practically hir brothers. before the bad sanses, shi'd never dated before. and on the opposing side, the bad sanses are so used to everything in their lives going well... bad, that having a shred of something good like mora is like a drug to them, and they are more addicted to the feeling fae gives them.

2 Kudos


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