math class

i actually hate my math teaxher she is so actually annoying like me and my friends were having a convo about something i dont even rememebr and she shouts so loud like ¨some of my students are not doing their work and might have to be moved¨ or something like that (ignore that my quotation marks dont work) and like bruh calm down cus i was literally doing my work i was jsut chatting at the same time and she has themost annoying voice ever. she is always screaming even tho the class is literally never loud and she ALWAYS stands infront of the board so i cant get my notes down. i like the assistant or second teacher i dont really know what she is. she is pretty nice but the main teacher thats annoying is actually makes me want to explode. today she was talking so loud that i literally started getting a headache. and like she lies sometimes like one time she told me the algebra assigment was due that day the day i got it and i was shocked like omg i gotta get this done asap and it was actually due like a week from then???? like why would shje say that like i always get my work done on time and if not earlier. i mean yeah i miss alot of school but i always get my assigments done on time and i have an iep. like and then when i told her like why woild you say that she was like im just joking like thats not even funny youre wasting my time. she is SUCHHH a party pooper she makes me loose my mind. and she so nosy like EVERYONE GETS THEIR WORK DONE YOU DONT HAVE TO HOVER OVER ME!!! if anything pay more attention to the students that genuinely need help? like bruh. i think im just genuienlly annoyed by young teachers like idk what it is about them. its not like she tries to be relatable ( i had a teacher like that last year) but she just bothers me. she looks like fiona gallagher. and like when she talks normal and doesnt scream she is more tolerable. like just make it so i hate math class like why would you wanna make a task easy for a student maybe dont scream in their ear. i bet she played soccer when she was in schoool. she looks like she does that. maybe shes a coach? most young teachers do coach at my school

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