Welcome to my blog !

Welcome to my blog!My name is Robin,this year I'm gonna turn 18 and I'm big paranormal activities fan.

In this blog I'm gonna post my paranormal stories.You don't have to belive in what I say,I post only in entertainment purpose.Enjoy reading my first paranormal story!

Abandoned fire station

When I was about 13, I hung out with my cousin Jeff quite often. We were rabid Creepypasta fans back then, and he and his friends would often go to the woods and tell each other scary stories.One summer day, I think it was July, I went with Jeff to the playground, about a mile from his house.We met Jeffs friend - Victor.I must add that I went to the playground with Jeff by bike.After about an hour, we got tired of running around the playground, and suddenly Victor said, "Let's go get Julie and go to the fire station." I was a little confused and asked "What fire station?" Jeff explained to me that in the 80s fire station in his town burned fire.We rode our bikes to pick up Julie, who took flashlights with her just in case. It took us about 30 minutes to get to the fire station. A tall, old building, half destroyed by a fire from 80s.We were standing in front of the bulding,I was feeling really weird.As if someone was here besides us. Jeff and Victor got off their bikes and started walking towards the entrance.There was an old wooden door on the side of the building, probably placed after the fire to prevent any wild animals from entering.Suddenly, as Jeff and Victor stood in the entrance, the wooden door slowly opened and then closed with a loud bang.Jeff and Victor ran out of the firehouse entrance and picked up their bikes. Victor told us to start pedaling out of there.Few minutes later Victor and Jeff were with us.Me and Julie were standing ,trying to catch our breaths after fast pedaling.After 2 years Jeff told me why he wanted me and Julie drive out of that place.

“Zauważyłem tam mężczyznę.Stal w drewnianych drzwiach.Patrzyl się na nas tak,jakby nie powinno nas tam być„ - TRANSLATED- “I Saw a man.He was standing in that wooden doors.He was looking at us like we shouldn't be there.„

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