A great nobleman known as Oswald Welles, is an ex-adventurer lucky and good enough to have retired with a modest fortune at a young age.
Having all his needs met, like anyone else he achieved the triad of happiness for every person: a wife, a family and a hobby: hunting and taxidermy.
After losing his family, the use of his legs at the hands of a dangerous creature, he spends several years looking for a way to hunt it, but something always prevents him from revenge.
Now that he is old, crippled and unhappy, he seeks to spend the rest of his fortune to kill this dangerous creature, before he leaves this world.
Adventure hooks:
- News of the latest Welles museum exhibit has reached your ears, you decide to attend out of curiosity.
- It has reached the ears of mercenaries that old Welles is handing over the rest of his fortune to whoever will allow him to "put an end to this grudge that I have stored in my heart before I die".
- Students, scholars and the curious decide to attend the final opening of the Welles museum to catalog and record the information gathered on how to deal with the beasts hunted by the former adventurer.
- The monsters in the collection (organized in 4 categories: terrestrial, aquatic, aerial and extraplanar) have a conscience of their own some respect Welles, others hate him, this means that you could get info from them, to help Welles or to really know why he's so desperate to kill the beast.
- If you get enough info about the beast, you could arrange a meeting toget new info and finally choose a side: against Welles or against the beast
- You could get the monsters in the collection to help you against any of those, every category has a blessing to help you in this difficult hunt
- The party kills the beast, they bring a small part of the body of the beast to Welles, since he can't add the creature to his collection, he takes revenge on the adventurer, gets off the wheelchair and spends the last of their energy to hunt the adventurers, if the party gets TPK they become part of the exhibition, if they kill Welles all the souls of the creatures are freed.
- The party kills the beast, they bring back the whole body in perfect condition, Welles thanks them and invites them to the reopening of the museum, done post-mortem, where the group finds Welles' body and plaque, where he thanks the adventurers for their help as now his soul rests in peace.
- The party sides with the beast, as they resonate with the idea of a mythical creature which just want to be alonel. When they go to confront Welles, he finally stands up to take care about these newly proclaimed backstabbers.If they win, the souls of these creatures return to the forest, resulting in overpopulation of dangerous animals near to cities and lots of casualities.
- The party discovers the mythical creature, which is a demon that allowed Welles to be rich very young, at the cost of sacrifice and torture of souls of all the animals he could get, however, with age Welles became lazy, so he decided to torture him by taking away everything he had little by little.
If they kill the demon, once they reach Welles' house, all the stuffed figures will have disappeared, and Welles will be found dead in his wheelchair with a calm face, but with some sorrow.
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