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Category: Books and Stories

The dreams’s girl, Reithe (Short story)

Light Pink Pointer

The dreams’s girl, Reithe

The light of a new day was timidly entering through the girl’s window, who slept soundly, immersed in the sweetest pleasure of her life; dreaming.

She had always been the best student in her classroom, winning awards, diplomas and even trophies, everything but what she most desired; the love of her parents and classmates. She spent her days in silence, drawing and taking notes, trying to hear what was being said around her, pretending she was part of the society that surrounded her. The only time of day when she received their longed-for attention was when they had to do teamwork, where they fought to include her and have her do all of the work, or when her parents bragged about her status as the best student and artist in the school. But other than that, she was nobody. No one saw her, no one heard her.

It was when she left school and had her first suicide attempt that she was left with absolutely nothing. Unable to do basic day-to-day tasks, her parents stopped talking about her, expressing their disappointment at what she had become. There she was left with only her dearest escape from it all; sleep. Whenever she drifted into the deepest of dreams, she could be as recognized as she always wanted to be, being an artist, pirate, queen or even a heroine. She got to the point of resorting to sleeping pills, being unconscious most of the time, without bathing or even eating. Her parents didn't even try to persuade her, for them there was no point. She was a failure, and she couldn't make amends anyway.

One particular day she woke up and, ignoring the roaring coming from her guts and her parents' shouts and insults coming from the living room, took more of her wonderful pills, while wishing for only one thing. "I wish I could dream forever."

And so, a star that had been watching her forever, decided to fulfill her longing, as she took pity on her pain and what her ward had become. When she opened her eyes, she was surrounded by people, who clamored gratefully for her arrival, shouting that her savior was finally here. They gave her a new name, which stripped her of all memory of her past. "Reithe," which to her meant a new beginning.

The people had been tormented by nightmares that left their victims in an agonizing coma, Reithe's mission being to enter them and combat the poor people's greatest fears. Sometimes they were truly horrific and grotesque things, but she enjoyed her sleep so much that she eliminated them with a big smile on her face. She thus quickly became a celebrity, a symbol of hope throughout the country.

But things don't last forever, even in our fantasies. Pleas quickly turned into demands, compliments into complaints, and fun into tedious work. She ran from place to place, trying to be everywhere at once, but it was impossible, and, being impossible, admiration turned to disappointment and, in some, contempt. As she slept in real life, she didn't need to in her new reality, yet every day Reithe became more and more exhausted. She stopped eating, bathing and taking care of herself to please her beloved people.

That's when the visions began. First it was shadows in the corner of her eye, then figures if she stared at a fixed point too long. Little by little they invaded her and took over her sanity, each shadow clearer and more horrible than the last. No matter how many nightmares she destroyed, it seemed she had one of her own, tormenting her awake. It was when one of them was able to physically touch her that catastrophe struck. With her wand, a magical weapon she used in her work, she attacked a young girl who had just been saved, leaving her unconscious, trapped in an eternal sleep. It had been a reflex reaction provoked by fear that would end up costing her everything.

The whole country revolted against her, destroyed her monument, her plaques, everything that glorified her. The heroine had been lazy with her work and, finally, fed up with it all, she attacked an innocent woman. She couldn't walk down the street without being pelted with trash and, at worst, rocks. She ended up locking herself in her house, which she had only used for bathing and eating on her best days. There, in her room, trapped in a corner, surrounded by shadows while her ears listened to the heckling and shouting in front of her house, the voices and shadows changed to something very similar. The grotesque beings now looked just like her classmates, and the voices insulting her sounded exactly like her parents. She then looked at her wand, which possessed a star on the tip, which spoke to her for the first time. "Do you remember reality?"
Frightened, she did the only thing she knew best. She lay down on her bed and, almost automatically, closed her eyes and fell asleep. When she opened them, she was back at home, shivering from hunger, with the moon peeking through the window. As she looked around tears began to fall from her eyes and she thought, "I have nowhere safe."

She went to her bathroom then, opening two pill bottles and, with the water from the sink, took them all at once. Then she went back to her room, gently lay down and, still silently crying, wished that this dream would be better, like the ones she had before. Maybe, just maybe, this time she might be enough for someone. That was Reithe's last thought in life.


Hello everyone! This is my first time posting an actual story! It's my most recent, I just translated it! Sorry if there is any mistakes haha
I hope you can give me your opinion! I also made some drawings of Reithe here!

That's all for today! Bye bye!

-Aries Choi

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