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how i cleared my skin (background, products, routine).

start; 1/25/23 ; 9:56am.

fin; 1/25/23 ; 10:37am.


hi, good afternoon. recently i found a skincare routine that works for me, and left my skin

clear, after two years of dealing with constant acne flare-ups. i wanted to share it here in hoping

of helping someone else, like alot of people did for me. it feels good to find something that works

for you, so i'd like to be able to do that for someone else, or at least point them in the right

direction. i'll try to keep this fairly short, for everyones sake.

just to add-on, i am **not** a doctor, or dermatologist.

this is simply what worked for me.

much love, melody.


personally, i have dry and acne prone skin. so, a goal for me was to find something

that doesn't dry my skin out, and doesn't cause further flare-ups. usually, my breakouts are

around my chin and jawline, and this is wear most of scaring was.

i'm an active person who eats a mostly clean diet, so, for me, diet wasn't a concern when

it came to treating my acne. 


for a decent skincare routine, i truly don't think you need to break the bank, or have

a twenty-step skincare routine including a blood sacrifice at the end. for me, simplifying it down

helped the over-all irritation of my skin. if you're using alot of products, and 

not noticing any real change, that could be sign!

here's what i use.

la roche posay oil cleanser:

for me, oil cleansers have been affective in helping to clearing my skin, as well

as giving a general deep-clean to the face. if you're prone to oily skin, an oil cleanser

may not be the best option for you! this one is formulated for extra-dry to dry-skin, and it didn't

strip the moisture out of my face at all. i usually get the larger bottles, and they last me for a

long time!

lipikar ap+ gentle foaming moisturizing wash;

another one from la roche posey, this is a great cleanser if you have dry and fairly sensitive skin!

it doesn't strip the moisture out my face at all, and feels super clean afterwords! a little goes a

long way and it foams up really well.

lipikar ap+m moisturizing cream; 

at the end, this is a good moisturizer, it helps put moisture back in your face, and doesn't

feel heavy at all! it's a moisturizer, i don't have much to say about it, but it works really

good i promise.

burt's bees toner;

i used to be really anti-toner, but this one is nice. it's not harsh on the skin at alll, and makes

my skin feeling light, and looking more even. i splash a bit on, and pat it down with a towel.

fairly in-expensive as far as toners go.

benoyxl 10%;

i use this stuff whenever i have acne flare-ups, and it's gone the next day.

the 10% is pretty harsh, and does leave your face dry afterword! i'd recommend the 4%

alternative to start.  i don't use this stuff on my entire face, and i don't use it everyday!

if you do use benoyxl peroxide, PLEASE rinse it throughly, this stuff can bleach things!


my routine is fairly simply!

i wash my face twice a day, one at morning, once at night.

firstly, i wet my face with a clean face-cloth, and use an oil cleanser.

i massage it gently into my face for a minute (i trust myself to count it out, but, timer on

your cellphone also works).

i rinse it off well, and then use the gentle foaming cleanser, again for a about a minute.

(this is called 'double cleansing', if you've got ultra-sensitive skin, i wouldn't do this.)

after i rinse off the foaming cleanser, i use a toner. i just splash it onto my face, and pat

till it's not dripping off my face, but not completely dry.

after it dries down, i use a moisturizer.

afterword, i do ice my face to help with puffiness!

on days i use benoyxl, i use a small amount,  put it on the infected area ONLY and massage it in

my face for a minute. then, i make sure to rinse it off well!


i know this wasn't a very exciting blog entry, but i hope it was at least informative.

may aphrodite bless you.

1 Kudos


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