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Category: Life

Being uncomfortable

This'll be a shorter blog than my last with a moral, if I manage to stay on track. ((reading over I just rambled until the end so ig i didnt keep my goal of staying on track lol))

But basically, for people who can't be their best they can because of mental blocks like insecurites or not wanting to bother other people and other feelings like that, being uncomfortable may help.

Now, obv, dont put yourself too far out there but if you got the courage to, come up with a gameplan with how you want to push yourself. if you see a group of people that youd think would be cool to hang with, come up with some stuff youd be okay with sharing to people you dont know and some sentence starters and go up and introduce yourself and they probably wont bite.

Now maybe you dont like the way you dress or act. Again, dont jump the gun, unless youre fine with that. First, just think about what you dont really feel comfortable with, maybe its wearing just tees like me or how you may be a little rude at times. Do some research, maybe thrift and find some stuff youll like, work on your confidence and be much more self aware of how you act, not self conscious, just like how you come off to people but dont over analyze it. Now taking what you got, which doesnt have to be a lot, do a little dress up, obv it wont subsistute for actually talking to people but if you like it and youre willing to rock it then who cares? its you.

Personality-wise, I can offer only a little advise, and its what works for me (if you consider passing by as working), just be candid, get to know who youre around really and just say whats on your mind that you think would be appropiate for the situation. Putting on a face adds a lot of stress on you and its probably not the best route for anyone unless youre doing public speaking, like i am right now i guess.

Looking back on everything I wrote, it might work for you or it might be a bunch of bologna. Coming up with what I want to say is what sucks but im just trying to say to probe your boundries and see what youre comfortable with past your comfort zone, being uncomfortable is an essential part of growing as a person and getting what you want out of life.

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