Extraterrestrial Message/Taygeta (Pleiades) 2

Cosmic Agency, Gosia
September 02, 2018

Extraterrestrial Message/Taygeta (Pleiades): Who Are We? (1)

Originally in English

Gosia: Hello Swaruu and thank you so much for meeting tonight.

Swaruu (9): Thank you for being here with me.

Gosia: To start, could you please tell us who you are more exactly?

Swaruu (9): We are from mostly planets Erra and Temmer that are revolving around the sun Taygeta in the Messier 45 M45 star system Pleiades (the 7 sisters) that is 422 light years away. We are a task force of nearly 18,000 Taygetans in several ships.

Gosia: What dimension are you from?

Swaruu (9): We come from the 5th density. We prefer to call it densities than dimensions. However, all outside Earth is 5th density anyway. It's only Earth that is artificially kept in the super dense 3rd density. The normal Universe is all 5th density. Having said that, we don't observe those densities as people on Earth do. We observe everything as a whole. One gradient of softly raising frequencies as a whole. Not separate densities as if they had a wall between them. Those ideas are an Earth concept only.

Gosia: We will definitely talk about densities in more depth in the future as this subject fascinates me. Now, you said you are about 18,000 Taygetans in several ships... are you in the orbit of planet Earth permanently or moving around between various places? And how far from Earth are you stationed?

Swaruu (9): The ships are placed on several orbit heights, depending on the individual task of each ship. This one is at 490,000km orbit. The big ones are mostly stationary. The smaller ones are moving all over the place.

Gosia: What are the tasks of these different ships?

Swaruu (9): Some ships are Command and Control. From where everything is monitored, organized, and controlled. Leadership is in them, there are two such ships, this is one of them. Others are dedicated to enforcing the blockade. One of them is a science ship. And there are also several smaller agile ships to do multiple tasks. And then there are also the most numerous, these are shuttles to go to and from the ships. These are mostly discoidal or box shaped.

Gosia: Can you expand on what you mean by ships that are dedicated to enforce the blockade?

Swaruu (9): We stop ships from leaving Earth or from going into Earth without a clear motive to do so. This to prevent hostile forces from entering and reinforcing the negative ones on Earth. Also, to stop the negative ones from smuggling people from Earth to be sold as slaves or as meat to eat in several black marketplaces, especially on Orion and Zeta Reticuli. The blockade is enforced mostly by three races. Taygetans in command and control. Alfratans from Alpha Centauri and Antarians.

Gosia: Ok, we will talk about the negative agendas in a separate video as it is a very deep subject. I would like to ask two things: Are the small moving ships the ones that can be seen by us here mostly? The so called UFOs? Some of them?

Swaruu (9): Yes!

Gosia: And then you said you monitor ships going in and out. Now, this is probably also another topic, but what about the Secret Space Programs ships? Have they left the Earth as they claim they have? They bypassed your blockade?

Swaruu (9): There are many ships. Some are in areas like S-4 (Area-51). But most of the big ones are on the Moon and under Federation control. The US Space program has lost all its large ships.

Gosia: Does it mean at some point they did leave Earth?

Swaruu (9): Yes they did, in the 60´s all the way up to the year 2008 when Asket knocked them all out in a space battle. Captured them.

Gosia: Ok. You said: “You stop ships leaving Earth”. What ships leave Earth? Are you referring to SSP ones?

Swaruu (9): Some of the remaining ones are SSP, others are Reptilian or Tall White or Maitre (Tall Gray) ships. There is a lot of traffic here.

Gosia: Ok, let’s leave SSP for another topic then as it is big one too. You said everything around Earth is 5th density. Are your ships in the 5th density too then when they are close to Earth?

Swaruu (9): Everything outside Earth is in 5th density.

Gosia: How far out from Earth does it begin to be 5th density?

Swaruu (9): The Van Allen Belts mark the barrier.

Gosia: How can we see those ships if they are in 5th? Or are they below the Van Allen Belts?

Swaruu (9): I have a problem describing them here. They are fighter ships and I'm reluctant to call them like that because they sound very belligerent! And yes, many are below the belts, many are on the surface landed or a low-level flight and all variants in between.

When ufologists say they saw a "plasma ship", it's not the ship itself what they are seeing. It's the ionization that occurs in the atmosphere when the presence of a starship's engine super heats and ionizes the air's molecules. In short, what they are seeing is the ship's exhaust pipe!

This is the Black Knight satellite, there are 19 of these. They are Alfratan L class fighters. They stay in low Earth orbit nose down like a bird of prey looking for Cabal, Reptilian or other negative ships.

Gosia: Are more people coming from different places in Pleiades? Or mainly from the planets you mentioned?

Swaruu (9): Mainly. But not incarnating. They mostly go in using full immersion technology. They do the same as we do, but as they see fit. However, we all must follow the same rules.

Gosia: What is an immersion technology?

Swaruu (9): A computerized virtual reality where you hack into the digital Matrix that controls Earth. You appear and function as a human when you are not! You go in there for a mission or a purpose.

Gosia: Wow. I definitely want to know more about that program at some point! Now, you are biological human looking beings, right?

Swaruu (9): Yes, we are. From the same Lyrian branch. Our main differences are the 12 strand 24 chromosome DNA and, as a result of this difference, our nervous system is different as well as the sexual organs, mainly. It's nearly all related to the nervous system, where the nerve voltage is a lot higher than with humans, and the brain has no cerebral lobes. No right and left brain, it's all one mass. We think holographically understanding duality with no conflict between hemispheres as it occurs with most Earth people.

We also can see in the dark as cats do. This is also because of a higher nervous system efficiency, and all our senses are also heightened as well. We hardly get tired when running because our recovery time is a lot faster. This is because of added mitochondrial efficiency processing oxygen, and also because of a higher oxygen level in our planet´s and ship´s internal atmosphere.

We are at 78% oxygen, 20% nitrogen, 2% other gases, when on Earth you are at roughly 78% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, 2% other gases. We are inverted. And also, our sexual organs are bigger than on Earth. Giving birth isn't as complicated for a Taygetan woman as it is for an Earth human (still hurts like hell though).

Gosia: You mean the vagina and penis are bigger?

Swaruu (9): Yes. Vagina, penis and uterus. Also, we have no skeletal problems, or they are rare because our gravity is at 80% (.8) than that on Earth. In our planets and in the settings of the artificial gravity in the ships.

Gosia: How do you learn our language?

Swaruu (9): By telepathic download. And some practice. As we pass information in bulk between us all here, it's quite easy to learn a new language. Most of us speak fluently more than ten Earth languages.

Gosia: Ok. I understand you are mostly women?

Swaruu (9): Our population is roughly 75% female, yes!

Gosia: Why is it mostly women? What happened to Ying and Yang?

Swaruu (9): We don't know the answer ourselves. There are many theories. It's more of a 50/50 when you look at it from a reproduction-only point of view as most women that are "in excess" are very old and not interested in having a mate.

Gosia: To be clear: old but still in a 20 year-old body, yes?

Swaruu (9): Some older women in a 20 year-old body and others in older looking bodies, it all depends on what they want to look like. The reason why most babies are female is also coming from the spirit side, so cloning doesn't work. Because there is no one to inhabit a male body if most souls are interested in being female. Everything here is for women (nearly everything). It's easier to have a project as a woman because you are more respected in a professional manner.

This shouldn't be I know, but it's how it is. A woman is very respected in science and art circles and men not so much so, because Taygetan men are mostly interested in love and relationships, romance, and sports-entertainment, and rarely in science and politics. As an example. So even if there are many more women here, most are not interested in men, when the men nearly all are interested in women. So it's balanced.

Gosia: Totally opposite as here.

Swaruu (9): Yes!

Gosia: What is your native language? What is it similar to?

Swaruu (9): Our native language is Taygetan Pleiadian. Similar to Earth Navajo language with a touch of Japanese. The language is verbal-telepathic. This means that individual words are loaded with extensive telepathic data and meanings. Each word is a vehicle for the telepathic load.

We talk with our mouths, like you do, but as we talk, we also load details to our words. Passing close to 1000% more data than a normal Earth language does per phrase.

Gosia: Wow! I love Native American language, by the way!

Swaruu (9): That's because it comes from Taygetan. Because of the influence we had there, with native American cultures.

Gosia: I see... can it be said that you are from our future? Because some contactees contact with beings from the future, as they say.

Swaruu (9): That needs a very long explanation. There is no future. It's all occurring now. It's just your perception and your frequency that determines what you are experiencing in your now. In one way or another, yes, it can be said that we are from the future, but not from Earth. We are not Earth humans from the future.

Gosia: Yes, those concepts are always very difficult for us to understand. Ok, so you are not Earth humans from the future, not time travelers. Not us travelling back in time as some people claim.

Swaruu (9): Well, essentially to travel through space using a warp drive engine is time travelling.

Gosia: Yes, I understand that. But I mean... you are not Earth people that advanced several hundreds of years and came back. Right?

Swaruu (9): Right. We are not! We are kin. Both from Lyrian descent. But we are another race, another people, another culture.

Gosia: You and humans here are both of Lyrian descent?

Swaruu (9): Yes, as well as many, countless other civilizations with human looking people in them. Lyrians are the oldest known human looking race.

Gosia: Another amazing topic bookmarked!

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