baby fever

yesterday, my sister told me that she's pregnant! of course, i screamed bc i was really happy about the notice. 

i'm in shock. i always dream about it and now it's real. i want to cry right now! 

she's more than my sister. she is the woman of my life. i really love her even when she is so silly and annoying sometimes. but it doesn't matter, all older sisters are like mine, or i'm wrong? well i don't care. 

I'M SO HAPPY. I WILL BE AUNTIEEEEEEEEEE and my heart tells me it's a girl. a baby girl. if i am right, i'll die. she will be my baby too. she will be like my daughter. i'll always take care of her. love her. protect her. i'll buy a lot of nice dresses and cuddly toys and dolls. i'm so happy. 

what was your reaction when you found out you were going to have a nephew/niece?

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lala's profile picture

congrats on being an auntieee
i was so excited when i found out i was going to have a niece, shes so cuteeee :33

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aww girls are so cute. i will love my niece so much!

by carolinasolos; ; Report